山下 浩子 山村 涼子
久留米信愛女学院短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13487310)
no.32, pp.57-61, 2009-07

The city of Kurume enacted the Basic Ordinance on Kurume's Foods, Agriculture and Farming Villages in March 2004. In line with the basic principle, the Kurume Central Wholesale Market (Kurume Seika K.K.) collaborated with the producers to carry out R&D of a new vegetable, caulibro.Caulibro, a cross between cauliflower and broccoli, is another name for Romanesco (scientific name: Brasica oierancea var. botrytist f. botrytis), a variety of vegetable originally from the Netherlands. The edible portion is a flower bud, and is characterized by a light, sweet taste and short heating time (2 or 3 minutes of boiling).To publicize caulibro to citizens and promote its consumption, the authors developed cooking recipes using this vegetable. The recipes consisted of two staple dishes, five main dishes, six side dishes, and one soup. The cooking method makes use of caulibro's culinary characteristics. The amount per serving was either 70 g for caulibro only, or 140 g in combination with other vegetables. The standard amount used in the Meal Balance Guide for one side dish (sv) was used as a reference.The cooking recipes that were developed have been published on the Kurume Seika's website.


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これ、中の人の素性不明だし、ロマネスコの出自は定まってないはずなのに言い切ってるし、何なんだろ?遺伝子系統樹でもあるのなら見せて欲しい。 https://t.co/LhsUmQKNYr https://t.co/b1J8Qt7cAA https://t.co/T6KdgvIV9e
これ、中の人の素性不明だし、ロマネスコの出自は定まってないはずなのに言い切ってるし、何なんだろ?遺伝子系統樹でもあるのなら見せて欲しい。 https://t.co/LhsUmQKNYr https://t.co/b1J8Qt7cAA https://t.co/T6KdgvIV9e
これ、中の人の素性不明だし、ロマネスコの出自は定まってないはずなのに言い切ってるし、何なんだろ?遺伝子系統樹でもあるのなら見せて欲しい。 https://t.co/LhsUmQKNYr https://t.co/b1J8Qt7cAA https://t.co/T6KdgvIV9e
これ、中の人の素性不明だし、ロマネスコの出自は定まってないはずなのに言い切ってるし、何なんだろ?遺伝子系統樹でもあるのなら見せて欲しい。 https://t.co/LhsUmQKNYr https://t.co/b1J8Qt7cAA https://t.co/T6KdgvIV9e

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