加藤 謙介
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.12, pp.21-29, 2011-03

In this study, the relationship between pet animals and elderly residents in need of care was examined using a narrative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven elderly residents of Nobeoka-city, Miyazaki, and with the social workers assigned to them. The author enquired about the relationship between the elderly individuals and their pets and focused on the benefits or difficulties associated with the animals in daily life. The analysis of narratives focused not only on the narrative content, but also on the manner in which the stories were narrated. The narratives fell into two general categories: (1) narratives including attachment and emotional bonding with the pet, based on a"model story"about the pet, and (2) narratives of the individuals own life story structured by their relationship with their pets. It is suggested that relationships with pet animals may contribute to the process of reconstructing the life story of elderly individuals.


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加藤はナラティブ・アプローチから、高齢者にとってペットの存在が重要であり得ることと、それにもかかわらずペットの存在が支援者にとっては問題の一部として立ち現れてしまう傾向にあることを示しました。 https://t.co/mYPoM75TJG https://t.co/GsLVWxAuOc
加藤謙介(2011)「地域における要支援・要介護高齢者のペット飼育に関する意義と課題 : ナラティヴ・アプローチの視点から」 https://t.co/mYPoM75TJG "要支援・要介護高齢者にとってペットは…ペット飼育をその一部とする自身の人生の意味づけの過程に寄与する可能性が示唆された。"

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