岡崎 辰彦 寺田 努 塚本 昌彦
vol.2011, no.21, pp.1-6, 2011-05-06

現在,着ぐるみは様々なイベントで数多く利用されている.しかし,多くの着ぐるみは体の大きさや形が人間と異なっており,着ぐるみ装着者が自分の姿勢を認識することが難しい.また,着ぐるみ装着者の視界は制限されており,周囲の人々の存在を感知しづらく,人々とスムーズにコミュニケーションを行うことが難しい.そのため,着ぐるみ装着者がそのキャラクタらしく振る舞うためには高度な技術や十分な修練が必要となる.そこで本研究では,着ぐるみ装着者がそのキャラクタらしく振る舞うための支援を行う着ぐるみ装着者支援システムを提案する.評価実験の結果から,提案システムを用いることでスムーズなコミュニケーションが行えることを確認した.Recently, stuffed suits are widely used in various events. However, performances with stuffed suits have several difficulties; performers cannot recognize their posture because of the difference in shape and size between stuffed suits and physical human body, and it is difficult to communicate with other people smoothly because of limited visibility. These problems lead the performers to train too hard to acquire high skill of performances. The goal of our study is to construct a system for supporting performers in stuffed suits, which enables performers to act like the character of stuffed suits. From the evaluation results of our prototype system, we confirmed that our method is effective for supporting performers in stuffed suits.


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