梅山 秀幸 桃山学院大学国際教養学部
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.37, no.1, pp.59-78[含 英語文要旨], 2011-07

Dojoji is the famous temple for the wicked love story of Anchin and Kiyohime. But there is also an another legend of Kaminaga-hime (Princess Long Hair) which tells of the origin of the temple. There once was a fisherman's daughter who had beautiful long hair by grace of Kannon figure to which she always prayed. One day a bird brought some of her hairs to the imperial palace. Discovering the hairs, the emperor ordered his servants to find the owner of the hairs in order to marry her. Brought to the palace and made a favorite of the emperor, the fisherman's daughter although was sad because she had abandoned the Kannon figure. Dojoji was built by the emperor who sympathized with her anxiety for the Kannon figure. On the discovery of the golden hairs brought by a bird, King Mark had Iseult brought from Ireland by Tristan to his palace. The story of Kaminaga-hime of Dojoji is a variation of "Tristan and Iseult". In addition, Kaminaga-hime of Dojoji is not an isolated case in Japan. In Kojiki we can also find another version of "Tristan and Iseult". Kaminaga-hime of Hyuga province was sent to Yamato to marry Emperor Ojin. Nintoku, son of the emperor, falls in love with her because of her enormous beauty and became sick of impossibility of his love. Ojin, acquainted with the agony of his son, decides to concede his beautiful fiancee to him. This relation of three persons (Kaminaga-hime, Nintoku, and Ojin), recalls the triangular relation of Iseult, Tristan, and Mark. The folklore tales of "Esugata-nyobo (The Portrait of the Beauty)" which succeed those of Kaminaga-hime, are found from north to south in Japan. In those tales a portrait enchants a lord instead of hairs. Looking by accident at a portrait of a beauty, a lord commands his retainers to fetch and carry her to his castle. Her husband, surprised at the sudden disappearance of his beloved, comes to the castle where she is living melancholically with the lord. Then, her husband, profiting by his excellent musical skill, succeeds in exiling the lord and regains his wife. It is needless to say that Tristan is an expert at the lute and the violin. The Chondara theater still remains in Okinawa. It is said that Chondara is the name of the musician who came from Kyoto and brought Japanese traditional music to Okinawa. Chondara had a very beautiful wife, whose portrait was blown by the wind and was gained by the Emperor. Emperor wanted her and ordered hie men to abduct her in order to satisfy his desire. In his deep desperation, Chondara came to the castle and performed music well in the presence of his beloved and the abductor. Chondara did not succeed to regain her, but being awarded the fief of Okinawa, had to live alone as a musician there. Tristan, of course, at last lived in Bretagne, crossing over the sea, far away from Iseult.


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こんな論文どうですか? 日本文化研究の新しい地平(2) Le cycle de 《Tristan et Yseut》 au Japon(梅山 秀幸ほか),2011 https://t.co/QCpN9bGBZU

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