渡邉 雅俊
特殊教育学研究 (ISSN:03873374)
vol.48, no.6, pp.581-591, 2011-03-31

The purpose of the present study was to investigate cognitive processes underlying formative activity that contains symbolic use, in students with intellectual disabilities. Participants were 21 students with intellectual disabilities (average MA=8:6; CA=14:9), and 56 children without intellectual disabilities (27 six-year-olds and 29 nine-year-olds). The research task was to draw an original "interesting picture", using a pencil and stickers. The results indicated that the students with intellectual disabilities tended to produce few formative activity containing symbolic use compositions, and that their composition mainly showed typical representations. This may be attributed in large part to the difficulty that students with intellectual disabilities when searching for prior knowledge regarding components, and to their cognitive processes, which tend to be characterized by a limited ability to synthesize mentally or transform individual components.


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