田口 由香
独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構大島商船高等専門学校紀要 (ISSN:18814891)
vol.44, pp.69-75, 2011-12-01

This paper aims to study the relationship between the Choshu Clan and Britain under sending troops of the Tokugawa shogunate to the Choshu Clan, and focus on a point of view of Britain. In 1864, the Tokugawa shogunate ordered feudal lords to send their troops to the Choshu Clan. In 1866, the war between the Tokugawa forces and the Choshu clan finally broke out. British ministers to Japan communicated with some Choshu retainers several times during the two years. In this paper, the relationship between both sides is made an analysis from point of view of Britain, based on some British despatches and letters.


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田口由香「長州出兵下における長州藩とイギリスの関係」(『大島商船高等専門学校紀要』44)という論文がある。下記リンクから閲覧可能。元治元年の英米仏蘭の艦隊による下関砲撃以降の、長州とイギリスの関係を、主にイギリス側史料から分析する。 http://t.co/1wQUBTKZCi

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