永島 茜
武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:09163115)
vol.59, pp.125-134, 2011

France plays an important role as a center of high culture, classic and modern arts in the world. Accordingto JNTO( Japan National Tourism Organization) reported, France was ranked as the first tourist in the worldwith 74 million foreign tourists in 2009, the Second was America /2009 year 54,9 million people). MostJapanese visited France as tourist with art interesting, especially the music and concert. However, there is littlepublished information on the brief introduction to the French public policy on music. Currently, more researcherhave gradually increasing their study focusing on the abundant cultural France. In order to givemore information about France culture for the cultural policy in modern Japan, My study aim is to set outsignificant elements on culture which has been such an important feature of modern French intellectual life.My primary focuses on the music field of France, especially the public policy of" Musiques Actuelles" whichinclude its background, history, and development.


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【研究支援】CiNii 論文 -  フランスにおける「現在の音楽(musiques actuelles)」政策 -音楽政策の新たな側面- http://t.co/Kh02JMSMfc #CiNii

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