高野 美千代
山梨国際研究 : 山梨県立大学国際政策学部紀要 (ISSN:18806767)
vol.7, pp.90-99, 2012-03-05

Sir William Dugdale was an antiquary who devoted himself to the recreation of the past in his writings.He was the author of renowned antiquairian studies such as Monasticon Anglicanum, The Antiquities of Warwickshire, and The History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, which were published in the 1650s. His exceptional diligence allowed him to complete all these learned works, but of course it was not at all possible without the aid of other people who supported him by providing documents, introducing people, or evenpartially bearing the expense of publishing his books. This study aims to examine the relationships between Dugdale and those who supported him, especially in terms of the publication of St. Paul's. By so doing we hope to cast light on the social milieu of antiquarian studies in the Commonwealth of England of the 1650s.


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@shomotsubugyo 民俗學folkloreって元は英國でpopular antiquitiesの改稱なので。 書物史絡みで山田史郎https://t.co/Vc3cv47cPl、「アンティクエリー」「好古学」に關説する英文學者もhttps://t.co/I1kEFsqUJq=高野美千代https://t.co/WCXPqmjWjM/「17世紀好古学文献の変容と読者の受容」https://t.co/FiN3OhlQkB。

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