TAIRA Makio Leong Chan Hoong
宮城教育大学紀要 (ISSN:13461621)
vol.47, pp.345-355, 2012

Students use variety of learning strategies to achieve their perceived learning goals. These strategies range from memory-oriented learning typical of cramming for objective tests, to deep-processing strategies characteristic of what we have defined as "authentic learning." Students' choices of learning strategies depend not only on the style of teaching and assessment, but also on students' perceptions of their learning goals. This paper intends to show that cramming for high-stakes test can foster use of psychologically sound and creative learning strategies such as meaningful learning, structural learning, and metacognitive judgment. The larger the amount of content knowledge students must learn in order to pass a high-stakes exam, the more sophisticated the learning strategies need to be. Our data from Japanese students and Singaporean students show the effect of cramming for high-stakestest foster developmental changes in students' learning strategies.


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http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-23334334 シンガポールにおいてPSLE (Primary School Learning Exam)というシステムがあります。いわゆるHigh-Stakes Testing(一発勝負の重要な試験)といわれている試験で,それによって下位のストリームからthe normal technical stream,normal ...

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