魏 高修 Gaoxiu WEI 鈴鹿国際大学 Suzuka International University
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.19, pp.107-116, 2013-03-01

The Decay of the Angel, the last novel of Yukio Mishima, is significant for its role as a summary. In this novel, the author retains his own lavish and exaggerating style. Samsara is the theme that runs through both Spring Snow and The Sea of Fertility. By insisting on the theme of Samsara in his works, Yukio Mishima attempted to find a way out for life. However, to the readers'surprise, he provided no single answer to the problem. Trough extensive interpretation of this works, we will be able to understand the literary themes and the author himself more clearly, and discover the way out for our life.


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こんな論文どうですか? 「輪廻」の背後に何もない(魏 高修ほか),2012 https://t.co/GvFFAAeT3p The Decay of the Angel, the last novel of Yuk…
こんな論文どうですか? 「輪廻」の背後に何もない(魏 高修ほか),2013 https://t.co/GvFFAAeT3p The Decay of the Angel, the last novel of Yuk…

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