梅田 肇
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.17, pp.1-12, 2011-03-20

This paper studies issues facing foreign students in public junior high schools in Mie Prefecture, Japan. A questionnaire was given to these students to find out what issues/problems they face. The results have led the author to introduce some measures to help these students accommodate different educational environments. Moreover, the author states his suggestions for making better "international classroom" atmosphere for both foreign students and their Japanese counterparts. The questionnaire, given to and answered by the students between May and July 2009, includes seven questions. The students were asked: (1) what language(s) they use to talk with their parents/families at home, (2) how much they use Japanese in their daily lives, (3) if they are interested in studying Japanese, (4) if they are interested in studying English, (5) if they are currently studying Japanese in supplementary classes, (6) if they are studying the languages of their own countries, and (7) in what countries/areas they would like to live in the future. The results show multi-nationalization and multi-lingualism without English. They also can give Japanese students good opportunities to recognize how important it is to be familiar with the feelings of their minority classmates in order to create a better international environment for mutual understanding in schools.
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.16, pp.27-41, 2010-03-20

In this paper we will examine the publication process and the contents of Shogaku Shoka Shu(Song books for the elementary school, 3vols. 1882-4). The "Shoka", which are songs for schoolchildren, had an impact on the formation of Japanese "poems". In chapter 1 we will assess the publication process of those books. In chapter 2 we will categorize and investigate the words of Shoka into 4 groups:-lyricism, moralism, patriotism and militarism
立松 信孝
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.11, pp.185-211, 2005-03-20

仲 律子 帆足 匡司 Ritsuko NAKA Masashi HOASHI 鈴鹿国際大学 鈴鹿国際大学
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.12, pp.147-159, 2006-03-20

仲 律子
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.16, pp.71-87, 2010-03-20

2006 年に義務教育段階での特別支援教育が本格導入されたが、大学における発達障害学生への支援はまだ始まったばかりである。わが国の約3割の大学に発達障害のある学生が在籍し、学業上の問題や大学生活上の問題を抱えている。米国では法律によってほとんどの大学に障害学生支援システムが整備されるようになったが、日本には大学で障害児・者をどのように支援するのかを規定した法律はない。発達障害をもつ学生が入学前にすべきことは、高校と大学の違いを理解し、将来の夢に学士号が本当に必要かどうかを検討することである。また、支援を求めるために自らの障害を表明するかどうかも考えておくといいかもしれない。しかし、診断を持つ学生の割合が約16%と、生活をする上で困難を抱えていたとしても、医療機関を受診していなかったり、診断名を持っていなかったりする学生が大半という事実がある。したがって、入学時の健康診断の際にメンタルヘルスを測る心理テストを実施している大学もある。入学後の支援については、講義、定期試験、学内生活、安全対策、就職支援など多岐にわたる領域での支援が求められる。さらに、成人生活に必要なスキルを身につけ、インターンシップ等に参加することで、就労に向けて準備できるような支援システムを作っていくによって、発達障害学生の自己実現に近づけるのではないかと考えている。
小林 路義 Michiyoshi KOBAYASHI 鈴鹿国際大学 Suzuka International University
鈴鹿国際大学紀要 : campana (ISSN:13428802)
no.18, pp.29-52, 2011

This is a report and simple analysis of a survey concerning Japanese language students' awareness of Japan in a particular area of China. The students expressed highly positive impressions ofJapanese life, culture and people in spite of their anti-Japan ideology, but think Japanese leadership in the world is weak. On the other hand, their impressions of Chinese leadership are strong, while they place low value on South Korea. Also, it is mentioned that Yan Bian University continued Japanese language education during the long period after WW 2, when there was no direct connection with Japan.
渡邊 優生 Yuuki WATANABE
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.13, pp.151-168, 2007-03-20

It is well known that in response to the increase of foreigners in Japan, many volunteer associations have developed to teach foreigners Japanese. Additionally, in recent years the term Multicultural Coexistence is often heard. In this paper I intend to consider Japanese language volunteer activities in City A from the perspective of Multicultural Coexistence. I will also discuss the social role of Japanese language volunteers after analyzing their current role within Japanese society. Finally, I intend to investigate the current problems of Japanese language volunteers and connect these issues to activities that can be put into practice in the future.
川又 俊則 Toshinori KAWAMATA
鈴鹿国際大学紀要 (ISSN:13428802)
no.13, pp.87-98, 2006

It never necessarily goes well at pastors' old age. In each sect of the Christianity, the retirement system is introduced, and the retirement allowance is provided for the retirement pastors. There are some sects which pension system is prepared for, too. However, after it retires from the duty of pastor, they concerned are opposite to an economical, healthy difficulty. However, there is a retirement from active life pastor who publishes the person and the writing that keeps parting from the sect and being missioned, and is sending it with the web etc. in no small way, too. It will be able to be thought that the aged society is not caught in the minus but the field of a new mission for the Christianity extended.
川又 俊則 Toshinori KAWAMATA
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.13, pp.87-98, 2007-03-20

It never necessarily goes well at pastors' old age. In each sect of the Christianity, the retirement system is introduced, and the retirement allowance is provided for the retirement pastors. There are some sects which pension system is prepared for, too. However, after it retires from the duty of pastor, they concerned are opposite to an economical, healthy difficulty. However, there is a retirement from active life pastor who publishes the person and the writing that keeps parting from the sect and being missioned, and is sending it with the web etc. in no small way, too. It will be able to be thought that the aged society is not caught in the minus but the field of a new mission for the Christianity extended.
魏 高修 Gaoxiu WEI 鈴鹿国際大学 Suzuka International University
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.19, pp.107-116, 2013-03-01

The Decay of the Angel, the last novel of Yukio Mishima, is significant for its role as a summary. In this novel, the author retains his own lavish and exaggerating style. Samsara is the theme that runs through both Spring Snow and The Sea of Fertility. By insisting on the theme of Samsara in his works, Yukio Mishima attempted to find a way out for life. However, to the readers'surprise, he provided no single answer to the problem. Trough extensive interpretation of this works, we will be able to understand the literary themes and the author himself more clearly, and discover the way out for our life.
山中 雅子
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.11, pp.121-137, 2005-03-20

捧 富雄 Tomio SASAGE
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.17, pp.101-116, 2011-03-20

This paper is an examination of the most important requirements for leadership capabilities related to tourist destination development. Those requirements are "trust"and "strategy". It is not possible to inspire voluntary cooperation of members without trust. Nor can the leader lead without a strategy. Therefore, training measures to learn these requirements for a leader in tourism destination development becomes necessary. However, there are many questions and issues for future research and study.
中野 潤三 Junzo NAKANO
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.21, pp.1-15, 2015-03-10

The study of security issues during the Cold War era had been centered around national security and on how to protect a nation from external threats using military force. Therefore, the supporters of the current Japanese Constitution and its pacifist ideal have tended to avoid the idea of "national security," which reminds them of the use of military power, and have pitted "pacifism" against it. On the other hand, people who insist Article 9 of the Constitution must be amended, have harshly criticized an absolute pacifism that ignores national security. The pacifism of the Japanese Constitution is a declaration of the renouncement of war, obviously focusing on the classic type of war between states. However, as the concept of security has deepened, I believe that a deeper concept of the Constitution's pacifism should also be developed. If the Constitution were to be amended, I would like to propose adding a statement on "proactive contribution to peace," which would promote human security, to the Preamble to the Constitution. We are faced with a need to improve the entire environment of international security by ensuring a form of human security that helps to prevent terrorism and armed conflicts such as civil war. At the same time, we also need to hold-more than ever-well-balanced discussions dealing with the security of Japan in a practical manner in light of the pacifist ideal of the Japanese Constitution.
Jean-Pierre ANTONIO
鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana = Suzuka International University journal campana (ISSN:13428802)
vol.10, pp.61-70, 2004-03-20

In this assignment five student profiles are presented. The profiles are based on interviews conducted with students at a private university. The students are long term foreign residents of Japan who entered the Japanese educational system at various ages and as such all share the experience of having learned Japanese as a second language. In the first part of this project a brief description of the students' present educational environment and a description of the interview process is given. In the second part the students' profiles are presented. Finally, using students' educational experiences and self-evaluations of their Japanese language proficiency an attempt is made to draw some conclusions concerning the role the Japanese education system has played in the various degrees of success each student has achieved in acquiring Japanese language proficiency and cultural adjustment to life in Japan
赤塚 恵子 Keiko AKATSUKA
鈴鹿国際大学紀要 (ISSN:13428802)
no.12, pp.243-261, 2005
