水谷 由美子[研究代表] 淺田 陽子 松原 直子 武永 佳奈 水津 初美[共同研究者]
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.6, pp.11-35, 2013-03-31

This thesis is focused on the activities of the second year of `aurinko tokuji talo', a project for the activation of Intermediate and Mountainous Areas in Tokuji, Yamaguchi City. As a consequence of the first year's achievements in creatingclothing design and the planning of arts managements, our research team continued developing the cooperative projects withlocal representatives in Tokuji. By inviting Tokuji people to the previous year's fashion show at Yamaguchi Prefectural University, we were requested toorganize a local fashion show at Tokuji's summer festival. It has been well-known for its dynamic fi reworks; however, this year locals decided to deliver an alternative event by adding a traditional dance festival of the area. In order to celebrate it, ourresearch team planned an outdoor fashion show utilizing the local resources of handmade Japanese paper and used Kimonomaterials. Here we describe the process of creation such as a hat, corsage, shawl, obi belt and knitting dress and pants madewith Tokuji handmade paper as well as kimono costumes for the dance festival. In addition to the fashion show, we analyze the Christmas Exhibition, which was carried out as an extention of the 'aurinko Tokuji talo' Project, at Christmas Village in Rovaniemi, Finland. We examine the entire procedures of the project.


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以下のような事例がありますがこんなような話でしょうか メディア造形分野における地域文化施設への貢献活動 : 浜松科学館特別企画展「サイエンスホラースクール」の事例について http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110009579153 中山間地域活性化に向けた服飾デザインとアートマネジメント:「アウリンコ・徳地・タロ」プロジェクトを事例として http://ci.nii ...

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