長谷川 真司 高石 豪 岡村 英雄 中野 いく子 草平 武志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.125-133, 2016-03-31

矯正施設に福祉の支援を必要とする高齢受刑者・障害受刑者が多くいることが認識されるようになり、彼らが出所し地域で生活を送るうえで退所後適切な福祉サービスにつながらない事や、住居の確保や就労の場がないまま出所する等ソーシャルワークの支援が乏しいため再犯に至るリスクが高い事が問題になっている。そのため、司法と福祉をつなぐ地域定着支援センターが設立され、実践を積み重ねている。本研究では、地域定着支援センターが支援を行った事例について当事者及び関係機関の専門職にヒアリングを行い、福祉の支援が必要な矯正施設出所者が地域生活を円滑に送ることが出来るようにするための要因について明らかにする。It is recognized that there are many elderly and handicapped convicts at correctional institution, and there are high risks at returning to correctional institution without appropriate social work support. Thus, the Japan Council of Regional Sustained Community Life Support Centers for the Elderly and Handicapped Ex-offenders is established to connect social work and justice, and many practices have been carried out to support community life for ex-offenders. In this case study, interview was conducted for clients and professionals at related organizations. Then, it is clarified the factors to transfer the life smoothly from corrective institution to community for ex-offenders whoneed supports from social us
吉岡 一志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.6, pp.33-38, 2013-03-31

The purpose of this thesis is to consider why children tell "Gakkou no Kwaidan" through a statistical verification of hypothesis that the cause of "Gakkou no Kwaidan" boom is resistance by children who are oppressed at school and home. In 2007, this survey was carried out at five public elementary schools and two public junior high schools in Tohoku, Kinki and Chugoku regions. For this analysis it was examined what variables determined children's attitude toward ghost story by means of four independent variables: sex, educational phase, student subculture, and parent-child relationship. As a result of analysis, it didn't support the conventional hypothesis that "Gakkou no Kwaidan" boom caused by children resistingpressure. It was proposed a new hypothesis that the source of occurring" Gakkou no Kwaidan" was will of children trying to acquire an identity of its own because there was correlation between attitude toward ghost story and variables associated with recognition and communication.
安渓 遊地
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.39-56, 2016-03-31

This is a collection of the records written by a journalist and an opinion-leader in the domain of religion: MATANI Ruikotsu(1869-1956). It is supplemented by the manuscripts and narratives of his adopted daughter Fumiko(1919-1999). As one of her sons, I used to listen to her tell of adventures in Kyoto, Yamaguchi, and Inner Mongolia during the time of Imperial Japan. At the age of five, she met with her mother's mother Yone. Having grown up in a family belonging to the Feudal Clan of Mōri(todayʼs Yamaguchi), Yone herself was like a samurai. When Fumiko began working in the newspaper company Chūgai Nippō in 1928, the owner-editor of the paper Ruikotsumade her to work as his secretary. Among many other celebrities, she encountered a vagabond Haiku poet Santōka. When she decided to seek refuge from the ultra-patriotism of Imperial Japan, she took a honeymoon in a remote place: Inner Mongolia, where her future husband worked for the intelligence services as a young Buddhist.
林 炫情 玉岡 賀津雄 宮岡 弥生
山口県立大学学術情報 山口県立大学学術情報編集委員会 編 (ISSN:18826393)
no.7, pp.9-15, 2014-03-31

り方を決定づける「対話場面(1対1・会議・メール・学生の前)」、「親疎関係(親しい・親しくない)」、「力関係(年上・同年齢・年下)」、「話し手と聞き手の性差(同性・異性)」、「調査協力者属性(男女差・年齢など)」の5つの要因を設定し、呼称表現選択にそれぞれの要因がどのように影響しあっているのかを決定木分析を用いて検討した。その結果、すべての場面において、「さん」よりは「先生(○○先生)で呼ぶことが多く、大学教員同士では相手を「先生(○○先生)」付けで呼ぶことが一般的であることが分かった。また、教員同士の「さん」使用は、「1対1」(139回, 22.7%)>「メール」(78回, 13.0%)>「会議・学生の前」(67回, 5.4%)の順に使用頻度が高く、「会議・学生の前」といった比較的フォーマルな場面や相手の立場への配慮が必要な場面では使用しにくいことが示唆された。女性教員の場合、「会議・学生の前」では相手を「さん」で呼ぶケースは見られなかった。さらに、決定木分析の結果、教員同士の「先生」と「さん」の使用選択には、「対話場面」の影響がもっとも強く、「親疎関係(親しい・親しくない)」、「力関係(年上・同年齢・年下)」、「調査協力者の男女差、年齢」の違いが、部分的に認められた。
吉岡 一志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.31-37, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to examine the possibility of denying the existence of ghosts through scientific thinking. In the past there has been a tendency to think that immature children mistakenly believe in "paranormal phenomena" and it is not fully understood how rational adults are able to believe in them. This study examines the relationship between belief in "paranormal phenomena" and scientific thinking. The results of this study show that the acquisition of scientific thinking has no effect on the denial of the existence of "paranormal phenomena". It is suggested that the premise of immature children believing in "paranormal phenomena" should be revised.
水谷 由美子 安倍 昭恵 武永 佳奈 水津 初美
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.7, pp.27-49, 2014-03-31

This essay focuses on fashion design for agriculture development in Japan. Specially, I talk about a case study of the Fashion Show `Agriculture Style Collection 2013 in Nagato-Yuya with Aizu-Wakamatsu'. This project was motivated by our First Lady, Ms Akie ABE, who has been working in agriculture since 2001. I have already researched and created rural fashion incited from the daily wear of farmers. In this paper my co-researchers and I discussed about the planning of new developed Mompe pants, called Mompekko, and Haolina whieh is a shirt like the upper half of Samue(Japanese working wear), and newly developed hats and Saruppakama pants originating from Aizu-Wakamatsu-city. In this theme, we collaborated with traditional textiles, specializing in both striped clothes of Yamaguchi Prefecture(Yanai-jima)and Aizu-Wakamatsu-city(Aizu-momen). Additionally, I use the Kuga-tijimi, which Kuga people had asked me to develop into a proper design with them.
加藤 禎行
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
no.13, pp.79-89, 2020-03-31

This article introduces three letters of Sata Ineko addressed to Narasaki Tsutomu. Narasaki Tsutomu (1901-1978)was an editor of the literary magazine Shincho in 1926-1945,and Sata Ineko(1904-1998) was a female writer known for her masterpiece KURENAI. Through the investigation of these letters, some of the new facts on Sata Ineko's and Narasaki Tsutomu's biographies were made clear.
高木 健志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.119-124, 2016-03-31

本稿は、中山間地域等に関する定義の確認、精神科訪問看護に関する文献の検討、中山間地域等を対象とした精神科訪問看護の文献の検討、精神保健福祉士と精神科訪問看護に関する文献の検討を中心に行った。中山間地域等について、農林水産省による中山間地域等に関する定義と、社会学の領域における知見について整理した。また、精神科訪問看護については、看護師による文献があること、中山間地域等を対象とした精神科訪問看護に関する先行研究では実践に関する研究があり、理論的な研究の必要性について見出された。今後は、地理的な条件が不利と見られることの多い中山間地域等における精神保健福祉士による訪問型の相談支援についての調査に取り組んでいく必要が見出された。This study went mainly on the examination of documents about the confirmation of the definition about the intermediate and mountainous area, the examination of documents about the psychiatry temporary nursing at home, the examination of documents of the psychiatry temporary nursing at home for the intermediate and mountainous area, mental health welfare person and the psychiatry temporary nursing at home. About intermediate and mountainous area, I arranged it about there being a definition about there being a pioneer study in sociology, the intermediate and mountainous area by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. In addition, about the psychiatry temporary nursing at home, there was a study on practice in the precedent study on psychiatry temporary nursing at home for a thing, the intermediate and mountainous area where the documents by the nurse were found, and the need was found about the theoretical study from now on. Above all, in psychiatry temporary nursing at home in the intermediate and mountainous area, it was thought that the role that a mental health welfare person achieved was big, and the need that wrestled was found in future by an investigation about the visit-shaped consultation support by the mental health welfare person in the intermediate and mountainous area where there was many that I was seen if a geographical condition was disadvantageous.
井竿 富雄
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.8, pp.1-10, 2015-03-31
岩本 テルヨ 山田 美幸 加瀬田暢子
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
no.2, pp.8-14, 2009-03

特別養護老人ホーム在所者の最期の場に関する意思決定とターミナルケアの現状を明らかにすることを目的として、2002,2003年に特別養護老人ホームの看護職を対象に郵送による無記名自記式質問紙調査を行った。 2002年は433施設(回収率43.3%)、2003年は233施設(回収率29.1%)から回答を得た。特別養護老人ホームにおける年間死亡者数(2001年)は10.3±5.9(うち特養内死亡4.3±5.2)人であった。ターミナルケアへの対応は約7割が「希望があれば最期まで看取る」と回答した。最期の場の決定(複数回答)については、「家族・後見人」(38.3%)、「医師」(16.8%)、「状態が悪化した時の本人の希望」(14.9%)、「入所時の本人の希望」(13.3%)、「ホームの方針」(8.3%)、「看護職」(5.0%)、「介護職員、生活相談員」(2.7%)、[その他](0.9%)の順で行われていた。在所者の希望が優先されない理由に、「認知症があり本人の希望がよくわからない」(27.2%)、「本人からの意思表示が特にない」(20.8%)、「家族・後見人が本人は高齢でもありこの事態に対処することは難しいと考えている」(13.8%)、「家族・後見人が本人の希望というより自分たちの希望を優先することを求める」(12.1%)などがあった。 特別養護老人ホーム在所者の最期の場への意思尊重に向けて、認知症問題への方策とともに、特別養護老人ホームのターミナルケアへの体制整備が示唆された。