江幡 裕
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.12, pp.147-163, 1986

The new theoretical opinions, whose symbolic view of point is to enforce More Freedom of Education, have insisted to realise, all over the education system in this country, the governmental deregulations, the competitions not only within the educational demanders but also the suppliers, and finally the parental freedom of educational choices. They declare that just now we should get, and only they could, the new meanings of the concept of Freedom of Education instead of old one which have been the fundamental objectives for a long time at the side of the educational movements, but have been neglected by the governmental policies. Also I suppose that we are now at the historical turning point of how to succeed in a drastic innovation of the present ideas and mechanisms of education born in the modern society. So then, the main aim of this article is to examine whether really they have carried out to get over the aporia about the concept of Freedom of Education. Through my conciderations, we can reach the conclusion that the opinions of More Freedom of Education are, despite of their expectations, very conservative one calling back the old classcal meanings of Freedom of Education, and, so, that they can not well resolve our historical problems of public education.


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