- 著者
霜山 博也
井上 寛雄
曽我 千亜紀
山田 庸介
大澤 健司
米山 優
- 出版者
- 一般社団法人社会情報学会
- 雑誌
- 社会情報学会(SSI)学会大会研究発表論文集
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.2012, pp.49-54, 2012-09-14
In this paper, responding to the Heidegger's criticism of information, shows the route which advances informatics further by compensating the definition of the information. Not from the field of a substance or science but from a philosophical field. That is, the information as a difference in Gilbert Simondon which changes both relationship. Furthermore, it is shown that all the information penetrates in various levels in a reverse cone. And it is the ethic and the bond into which a group is united.