井上 寛雄 米山 優 曽我 千亜紀 霜山 博也 中村 啓介 大澤 健司
vol.2013, pp.173-178, 2013

The attempting in this paper, it is to show a possibility to consider the information from the viewpoint of framing in the cinema. Consideration to the information from the point of view of system theory, including cybernetics, there is a danger of falling into reductionism. It is necessary to explore the generation of information from the side of the duration and spirit, not the material, and indispensable to multiply the origin of the information by the various types of framing.
曽我 千亜紀 井上 寛雄 清水 高志 米山 優
情報文化学会誌 (ISSN:13406531)
vol.15, no.2, pp.25-31, 2008-11-30

霜山 博也 井上 寛雄 曽我 千亜紀 山田 庸介 大澤 健司 米山 優
vol.2012, pp.49-54, 2012-09-14

In this paper, responding to the Heidegger's criticism of information, shows the route which advances informatics further by compensating the definition of the information. Not from the field of a substance or science but from a philosophical field. That is, the information as a difference in Gilbert Simondon which changes both relationship. Furthermore, it is shown that all the information penetrates in various levels in a reverse cone. And it is the ethic and the bond into which a group is united.
曽我 千亜紀 井上 寛雄 山田 庸介 清水 高志 米山 優
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第24回全国大会
pp.176-179, 2009 (Released:2010-02-26)

It is possible to suppose two main positions when we consider the information network of the Internet. On the one hand, there is a position where we give importance to the information itself and examine the network, forgetting the informations' barer. On the other hand, there is a position where which does not recognize the force of information itself and attaches importance to its bearer. Indeed, both positions hold the same supposition in common. They distinguish the information and its bearer and they diminish one of these two terms. In other words, they deal with problems by taking a monist position after they had already recognized a dualism. The problem is that they can argue only one term's importance, action and force. It is necessary to cope with both terms or to unite both terms after their distinction. After all, we understand the information network as a dynamic entity in which action and passion of information and its bearer (i.e. subject) continually change places.
井上 寛雄 清水 高志 米山 優
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第23回全国大会
pp.288-291, 2008 (Released:2010-02-10)

This paper argues the relation between several theories of informatics. There are two crucial disconnections between subject and social, the semiotic process and language. In order to solve these difficulties, we present the machinism by Félix Guattari as a supplemental theory, and lay out the metamodel of four functors, and this will allow us to think this relation as a cycle process.

2 0 0 0 OA 顔と顔貌性

井上 寛雄 清水 高志 米山 優
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第22回全国大会
pp.262-265, 2007 (Released:2010-01-22)

霜山 博也 米山 優 曽我 千亜紀 井上 寛雄 中村 啓介 大澤 健司
vol.2013, pp.83-88, 2013-09-13

Abstract In this paper, by system theory and information theory of Gilbert Simondon, questioning the theory of information until now. It is intended to overcome the dualism teleological and mechanistic theory, and events that entity.Then, by considering the life of disharmony as I raise something to do with the real challenge of informatics.
大澤 健司 霜山 博也 中村 啓介 井上 寛雄 米山 優
一般社団法人 社会情報学会
社会情報学 (ISSN:21872775)
vol.4, no.1, pp.73-89, 2015-10-31 (Released:2017-01-25)

本研究は, サイバースペースをより魅惑的な場にすることを目的とし, そのためのヴィジョンを提示したものである。現在においてサイバースペースの問題を論じるにあたり, ビッグデータの問題は避けて通れない。しかしながらこの論点は, 主に技術的な観点からのみ扱われてしまっている。サイバースペースにおいて操作を行うのは, まさに我々なのにである。そこでWalter Benjaminの議論を参照することにより, 本論ではこの問題を我々の存在に引き付けて論じた。その際の一つの参照点として探偵小説の構造に着目し, それとサイバースペースを比較検討した。探偵が用いる痕跡の繋ぎ合わせの手法をノードの結合からなるリンク構造のアナロジーとして考察することにより, その類似を指摘しつつも, 近代的な探偵的手法をそのままサイバースペースへと転用することの限界を示した。そして, 情報の哲学を打ち立てようとしているPierre Lévyの議論を参照することにより, この議論を現代的な問題へと接続した。ここにおいてビッグデータのあり方を踏まえた上での, サイバースペースにおけるヴァーチャルな自己の存在(我々の複製としての)が素描されることになる。この存在は探偵や群衆ではなく, Benjaminの議論における遊歩者がモティーフとなっている。サイバースペースをビッグデータから構成されるヴァーチャルな自己が遊歩する空間として捉え, これを我々の経験や創造性から論じている点が, サイバースペースの今後を考察する際に有用な立脚点となる。
米山 優
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.6, pp.59-72, 2009 (Released:2020-03-23)

In our era of Hegel’s “end of art” thesis, I shall dare to consider creating art of a sort out of philosophy, taking the risk of being called anachronistic. The clue lies in the efforts of philosophers who employed styles close to those of literature. For example, the writing styles of moralists such as Montaigne, Pascal and Alain will serve as reference. The issue is what precisely “writing style” means. While there are cases where even Nishida’s philosophy has been called “philosophical essayism or essayistic philosophy”and criticized for it, I will instead put this factor in a positive light. Therefore, the “artisticbeauty” to be focused on here will on here will mainly be the beauty inherent in the prose. I consider that the locus for the realization of such beauty is where the prose can be said to be alive, and where the words can be said to have life. This can only be when they become entities with bodies. This state cannot be achieved when the style is something that could merely be called logical. What is the issue then? I shall try to develop the issue manifestly as a story of “language and the body.”That is to say, I am engaging in Nishida’s clearly stated argument of “language as the body of thought.”In addition, I shall clarify how this argument is actively linked with the factors Nishida tried to develop in his later years as “creative monadology.”I shall demonstrate that “creative monadology”is what enables us to elegantly enter the so-called “hermeneutic cycle,”which is generated from the obvious situation that “although individual words constituting prose cannot be understood within the work made from the assemblage of prose without grasping the whole of what is known as the assemblage, the whole also consists of individual words.”In doing so, I shall state the possibility of gaining a hint as to the place of “active intuition,”using as a clue the fact that the active point of departure for Nishida in his commentary on art is the body’s being transcended in the direction of the body, and by examining what is called “thought,” which can be possessed by a flesh-and-blood human being, i.e., by an entity with a body. Finally, I shall suggest that, by expanding the discussion from prose to the world, it will become possible to thematize the situation where the world is formed by monads, and that, in fact, this situation of “formation”itself is the part that should be called the quintessence of “creative monadology.”
曽我 千亜紀 井上 寛雄 山田 庸介 米山 優
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第26回全国大会
pp.83-88, 2011 (Released:2012-03-20)

Hypertext gives the opportunity to awake the readers' consciousness to an active behavior toward reading. It pushes them over the border between the reader and the writer and allows the act of reading to become an act of writing. However, is it such a simple process to transform the reading into writing? Is it even acceptable to think that creativity could be born from a process involving texts that have already been written? In this paper, we will ask ourselves how can one reach the creation of new information through the action of editing and what conditions this process requires.
清水 高志 曽我 千亜紀 井上 寛雄 山田 庸介 米山 優
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第24回全国大会
pp.172-175, 2009 (Released:2010-02-26)

The massive effects of innovation in information technology and its spread have been discussed from various angles for some time now. Formerly, the central issue was streamlining information conveyance, but technology issues have brought cognitive theory and sociological trends too within the scope of the discussion, while there is also an increasingly conspicuous movement toward reassessing the idea of "information" itself. Based on data from previous discussions, this paper shall propose a distinct interpretation of the structure of networked continuity, by newly utilizing considerations "continuous being" and "predicate".