- 著者
吉村 麻美
塚谷 裕一
- 出版者
- 一般社団法人 植物化学調節学会
- 雑誌
- 植物の生長調節 (ISSN:13465406)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.48, no.1, pp.60-66, 2013
- 参考文献数
- 19
ROTUNDIFOLIA4 (ROT4) is a peptide unique to land plants. Angiosperm species have more than 10 paralogs (RTFL/DVLs) in their genome and the high redundancy is an obstacle to know the detailed function of this peptide family. The discovery of this peptide family was based on two indepdendent activation-tagging screenings in Arabidopsis thaliana for two different aims. First it was thought that the RTFL/DVL is involved in cell proliferative activity along the longitudinal axis of leaves because the over-expression of the members of RTFL/DVL causes stunted leaves. Our recent detailed analysis suggested that the ROT4 is involved in determination of longitudinal positional cues in lateral organs/tissues. Curiously, GFP-fused version of the ROT4 is localized on the plasma membrane, although the ROT4 itself has no special known motif. Here we overview the history of our understanding of the enigmatic RTFL/DVL family.