内山 清子
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.48, no.1, pp.63-68, 2014-03-31

Japanese Comics, Which are one of Cool Japan promotion program, aiming to support Japanese contents business, have been attracted attention from abroad, Especially, most international students motivated to study Japanese because of an interest in pop-culture, the comics and anime. Based on this background, the purpose of this paper is focused on analyzing statistically scripts and onomatopoeia which are constituents of comics by means of natural language processing. We discussed lexical variety and balance between scripts and onomatopoeia for four categories in comics, information and knowledge by those analysis and future works.


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おいおい論文ってこんなテーマでも受理されるのかよ もう最近じゃ、素人か学者に関係なく主張なんてものは所詮お考えでしかないと思うようになった傍証としては最適だな。 まさにこの論文は、論文というより、お考えだ。 チープなテーマな分親近感あって面白いがな 〈https://t.co/CvgwxHmcr6〉
漫画の台詞やオノマトペにおける言語的特徴分析 http://t.co/XLbU8biDMt よりエヴァ等4作品の高頻度名詞上位10語 そのままだな…  http://t.co/bIoC2knct0

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