古森 雄一 大野 和則 竹内 栄二朗 田所 諭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2014, pp._1P2-I06_1-_1P2-I06_4, 2014

Search and rescue (SAR) dogs show the typical motions when they find victims. The authors aimed to develop the measurement methods of the SAR dog's motions which suggest the victim locations. It can be used for making investigation maps with victim locations. The authors focused on barking and tail's wagging, and digging as the motion. We used IMU for measurement. The sensors were put on the vest for dogs, and We use no additional clothes by preference. We evaluated their locations and whether it is possible to detect the motions. For example, we can detect wagging motion by IMU directly on the tail.


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1P2-I06 被災者発見につながる災害救助犬の動作計測(サーチ&レスキューロボット・メカトロニクス(2)) https://t.co/dgNSg0k4AT

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