藤井 奏子 松村 豊大
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.90, pp.107-122, 2015-09

In this paper I describe the meaning of city marks, how their meaning and coloring are related, and points we should focus on when we express the color of marks according to the wording in statutes and regulations. For this study I created a database of all of the 1718 villages, towns and cities in Japan and included such information as the meanings of the marks, the colors of the marks, and the year they were created. By analyzing the information in the database, I discovered that different characters for the meanings of marks differ accordingly to the time of creation, that the design of the mark and the meaning of the mark have a strong correlation, and finally, the color and design of the marks are very similar. Thus, I propose that when villages, town or cities express the color of the marks through words in statutes and regulations, that the color should be expressed by using digital codes such as JIS-code or Munsell color system.


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