土方 洋一
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.29, no.12, pp.61-73, 1980

Onna San-no-miya's conception is not only an important affair in the second part of The Tale of Genji but also a latent factor for the third part in which kaoru is a hero. After she committed adultery with Kashiwagi, her conception as a result of the night had something to do with his dream of a cat, and miraculously Kaoru was born. It was said that such mysterious rendezvous as in dream brought a miracle of conception for one night. Thee heroines of adultries, Fujitsubo, Onna-San-no-miya and Ukifune composed poems in each of which the word "dream" was included. The purpose of this study is to follow the process from adultry to conception with the clue of the word "dream".


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こんな論文どうですか? 女三の宮の懐妊 : 源氏物語における一夜孕みと夢の機能(土方 洋一),1980 https://t.co/p9F4RAa38R Onna San-no-miya's conception is not only an imp…
こんな論文どうですか? 女三の宮の懐妊 : 源氏物語における一夜孕みと夢の機能(土方 洋一),1980 https://t.co/p9F4RzRTUJ Onna San-no-miya's conception is not only an imp…
こんな論文どうですか? 女三の宮の懐妊 : 源氏物語における一夜孕みと夢の機能(土方 洋一),1980 https://t.co/p9F4RzRTUJ Onna San-no-miya's conception is not only an imp…

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