徳山 朋恵 Tomoe TOKUYAMA 京都文教大学大学院臨床心理学研究科 Kyoto Bunkyo University Graduate School of Clinical Psychology
臨床心理学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Kyoto Bunkyo University (ISSN:18843751)
vol.7, pp.71-84, 2015-03-31

Gothloli have been reported in many fields. However, it leads to be reported sporadically due to diversified standpoints. The purpose of this paper is to understand what kind of phenomenon is happened and how this is happened, and how one feel when one wear Gothloli from the clinical psychological standpoint. First, I classified Gothloli into 3 groups: Gothic, Lolita, and Gothic&Lolita. I summed up the study about these groups and the scheme of these things. After that, I defined the meanings of Gothic, Lolita, and Gothic & Lolita in this paper. Gothic is the deviation from society and dark view of world, and intention of transcendent material. Lolita is awareness and affirming their own dream, ideal, an unreal longing world leading to the prettiness or the girlness whatever one wear. Gothic&Lolita is combining both meanings. Second, I summed up the study of clothing psychology. Especially, the 3 points are shown in this paper: that wear relates to many kind of desire according to Maslowʼs desiring levels, that wearer decides to wear the clothes by unreal and real body scheme and self-concept, and that wear express positive or negative feelings and a sense of shame. I found that in the clinical psychological study of Gothloli, a certain paper mentioned Gothloli relates to stabbing incident in 2003, another paper said with standpoint of narcissism and phenomenology, although there are only a few studies. I interviewed 6 people and revealed that relationship between wearer and Gothloli by classifying the pattern of interview result with KJ method. In addition, I found that the difference how one think about Gothloli for wearer by the PAC analysis for 3 people. Here, I approached the mechanism model how one feel when wearing Gothloli. However, the problem of low number of subject person is still remained. Hereafter, It might be needed the additional research with more interview result, related clothing psychological research, and psychological research of cloth except for Gothloli or makeup.


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