梅田 百合香
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.7-32, 2016-03-03

Concerning the issue of morality in politics, Machiavelli and Hobbes have often been viewed as "realists," who accepted the evil lurking in human nature as natural and dissociated morality from politics. However, Hobbes himself did not separate politics and morality, and insisted that his political philosophy was also a moral philosophy. This paper examines the logical structure of political and moral theory in Hobbes's Leviathan, focusing on "evil in politics." In Hobbes's moral philosophy, there is no room for evil in politics in the state of nature, meaning the state of a moral vacuum. Evil in politics signifies injustice in society, in other words, intentions or actions that disturb peace in the civil state after a social contract has been made. Hobbes's description of the state of nature demonstrated that peace was the grand foundation for maintaining a society that actualized morality, and could be the criterion of moral judgement for all political actors.


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以前学会のセッションでご一緒した際の論文ですね。公刊されていた。 CiNii 論文 -  政治における悪とホッブズの道徳哲学(鈴木健教授退任記念号) https://t.co/klkqJaaknl #CiNii

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