堀内 俊郎
インド哲学仏教学研究 (ISSN:09197907)
no.13, pp.87-101, 2006-03

In his Vyākhyāyukti (VyY), Chapter 4, Vasubandhu maintains that Śākyamuni Buddha, a historical figure, is an illusory manifestation (nirmāṇakāya). Having dealt with the former half of Vasubandhu's discussion in my preceding paper, I tried to elucidate here the latter half of the same topic. In this article, first I pointed out that the latter half of Vasubandhu's Buddhakāya-theory found in his VyY was later cited in Sāgaramegha's Bodhisattvabhūmivyākhyā (BBhVy). In his discussion of Buddhakaya-theory, Vasubandhu clarifies the theory of upāyakauśalya ""skillful means"" in detail. By citing two scriptures relevant to this theory, Vasubandhu illustrates the fact that the upāyakauśalya theory is proclaimed not only in Mahāyāna, but also in Śrāvakayāna. Before the citation from those scriptures, a sentence of four lines is also quoted with an introductory phrase gzhan yang ""furthermore"". Comparing the sentence with its corresponding passage found in BBhVy, the sentence composed of four lines in VyY may possibly be understood as originally a verse. Then, what can be questioned is the identification of the citation from both scriptures. As for the second sūtra therein called Ri dags zlog gi mdo, Skilling [2001] assumes that Ri dags zlog must be Migalaṇḍika who is said to have committed the fourth pārājika, i.e. killing, and concludes that the corresponding texts to this sutra are found in Vin, Vol.III.68 and SN, Vol.V.320 (54.9.Vesālī). I am indebted to him for the assumption of Ri dags zlog as Mi(ṛ)galaṇḍika; however, I rather conclude that the source of this Ri dags zlog gi mdo is Saṃyuktāgama, No.809, the Chinese correspondent of SN, Vol.V.320 (54.9.Vesālī). In order to demonstrate this fact, I examined the Chinese translation of the personal name ""Migalaṇḍika-samaṇakuttaka/Mrgadaṇḍika-parivrājaka"" who is said to have been the first person in the Buddhist community that has committed the fourth pārdāika, i.e. killing. From this examination, I have drawn the conclusion that the name Lù-lín-fàn-zhì-zĭ 鹿林梵志子 found in Saṃyuktāgama, No.809 must originally be Lù-lín-fàn-zhì-zĭ 鹿林梵志子, which exactly corresponds to ""Mṛgadaṇḍika-parivrājaka"".


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これについては、堀内先生の以下の論文を著書に取り込んだものだろうね。ざっと見る限り、内容は一緒なので。 「『雑阿含』809経における「鹿林梵志子」--『釈軌論』所引のri dags zlog gi mdoとの関連で」『インド哲学仏教学研究』13、2006(https://t.co/7lbq9QzyfZ)

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