池田 華子
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.54, pp.398-411, 2008

Presently we often think that various problems in educational environment, such as bullying and truancy, result from the dilution of human relations in our daily lives. In such contexts, we tend to think that the concept of relation is something substantialsomething we can actively and manipulatively deal with. However, in order to grasp the invisible aspect of the relation, we should take a different approach. This article casts new light on the concept of relation by reexamining Weil's idea about μεταξν. By using the Greek preposition μεταξν as a noun, she shows us the importance of "medium" or "mediation" in our encounters with the other whom we may not recognize easily. Such encounters put us into the state of confusion and conflict. It is the function of μεταξν that gives us energy to tolerate it. In the following, first, our daily lives will be discussed as the state of oblivion of relation. Next, examining her usage of μεταξν, another possibility entailed by the concept of relation will be revealed.


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https://t.co/0qnazJ7Pj6《この可能性に関わる一種の能力としての 「願望」 は、その過剰さにおいて不可能を可能にずる。 それは不在の 「神」が疲弊し、ついには見るに見かねて此岸へと降ってこられるように祈り尽くすことであり、先のパンを求める子どもの叫びである。》

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