大石 和代 宮市 和子 加藤 奈智子 古田 真司
長崎大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09160841)
vol.6, pp.1-8, 1993-03-31

長崎県内に住む20代から40代を中心とした健康婦人1,113人を対象に,「冷え性」の自覚や,自律神経系の症状を中心とした不定愁訴および月経周期にともなう不定愁訴等について自記式アンケート(無記名)を行った.対象を離島地区,長崎市内,長崎以外の市,郡部の4地区に区分し,居住地域別に結果を比較したところ,離島地区では,胃腸系愁訴を中心とした自律神経的な愁訴が多く,長崎市内では,全身性愁訴を中心とした自律神経的な愁訴と月経中の不調が多いという特徴がみられた.We investigated recognition of "feeling of cold" and unidentified clinical problems due mainly to autonomic symptoms as well as those accompanying the menstrual cycle in 1200 women mostly in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, using a self-entering questionnaire (unsigned). The results were compared by each region, narnely, remote islands, Nagasaki city, cities other than Nagasaki, and rural districts, and the following results were obtained. In remote islands, complaints about autonomic symptoms prevailed, while in Nagasaki city both complaints about autonomic symptoms and problems during menstrual period were high. Specifically, the autonomic symptoms were gastro-intestinal symptoms in the remote islands but whole body symptoms in Nagasaki city, indicating a difference between the two regions.


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こんな論文どうですか? 長崎県内の女性の身体的不調に関する調査-(その1)地域差について-(大石 和代ほか),1993 http://id.CiNii.jp/DzFRM

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