新井 一寛
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
no.6, pp.471-488, 2006

This article elucidates the initial formation process of a Sufi order through a certain saint's relation with his devotees. This saint is a descendant of Prophet Muhammad. His devotees think that he has knowledge of Islam, special power by which he can even kill people, and personal magnetism. I consider that the community that is formed around the saint is one in which devotees share the original Islamic view of the world, and which represents the initial state of Sufi orders before systematization. Before the 19th century, when the institutionalization and systematization of Sufi orders by the state started, there were religious groups centering on a certain charismatic person in Egypt.


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こんな論文どうですか? 聖者・預言者一族の末裔とタリーカ(スーフィー教団)の萌芽状態--現代エジプトにおけるシャイフAの事例を通じて (特集 地域研究の前線)(新井 一寛),2006 https://t.co/I42p2HCNic

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