小池 真理
北海道大学留学生センター = Hokkaido University International Student Center
vol.8, pp.99-108, 2004-12

While many Japanese teachers place great importance on their knowledge and methodology of teaching Japanese, a paradigm shift stressing self-development has taken place in recent years. This shift has emphasized the nccessity of teacher introspection. As well as reflecting on their own resources as teachers, teachers need also to consider learner resources, so that they can understand learners' beliefs, learning styles, and feelings as well as learners' needs and readiness. This paper identifies the most important roles expected of teachers by learners, based on semi-structured interviews. The results show that learners expect teachers to encourage learners in finding appropriate learning methods and in the acquisition or development of independent attitude and motivation, as well as to understand learners' individual and affective conclitions. The paper demonstrates the importance of understanding learners' beliefs and of developing observational skills.


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