稲場 圭信 イナバ ケイシン Inaba Keishin
宗教と社会貢献 (ISSN:21856869)
vol.1, no.1, pp.3-26, 2011-04-01

19世紀なかば、とりわけ第二次世界大戦以降、都市化・産業化が進展し、日本の地域共同体は崩壊に向かっている。一方、地域共同体の紐帯の基盤にあった神道や仏教もその影響力を弱めている。本稿では、日本人の国民の3割ほどしか宗教を信じていない状況下で、日本人の精神的基層にある宗教的要素「無自覚の宗教性」がソーシャル・キャピタルと関連していることを理論的に考察する。その際、思いやり格差、和合倫理、生命主義などの日本人の意識構造を概観し、市民社会における無自覚の宗教性とソーシャル・キャピタルの関係を検討して、今後の研究の土台を提示したい。This paper provides an overview of the correlation between religion and social capital in Japan. Japan has experienced rapid urbanization and industrialization since the middle of the nineteenth century and particularly since World WarⅡ. During this process, society has changed from the one which is based on the local community (Gemeinschaft) to the one based on the impersonal association (Gesellschaft). Religion no longer serves as the symbolic basis for societal stability, solidarity and integration. Nationally only 30 per cent of the Japanese recognize themselves as religious. Under such circumstances, some Japanese have some kind of shared religiosity of which they are unconscious. This paper will discuss the setting of this unconscious religiosity and social capital in civil society in Japan by considering some important concepts related to their altruism such as harmony ethics in the hope that this presentation will throw some light on recent trends and future research.


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