田村 修 高 良夫
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
no.3, 1955-06

The differences between the types of Pneumatophorus japonicus (HOUTTUYN) and P. tapeinocephalus (BLEEKER) were examined in the gill rakers, pectoral fin rays, some body proportions and interneural spines. The main materials were large- and middle-sized fishes. 1. In regard to the lower gill rakers of the first gill arch, the type of P. japonicus has more than 27, that of P. tapeinocephalus has less than 26. 2. In the former pectoral fin rays are generally less than 20, in the latter more than 20. 3. In body proportions, the differences between the both types are recognized in the distance from the distal end of snout to second dorsal fin origin and that from the distal end of snout to anal fin origin. 4. The interneural spine (reported by Dr. Murakami) is also discussed, it seemes to be more accurate than by gill raker to distinguish two types.1.佐世保近海産の小サバ(体長13~21cm)92尾,中サバ(19~26cm) 99尾,大サバ(28~38cm)50尾合計241尾につき,其の第一鰓弓の鰓耙数・胸鰭軟条数・体比例を計測した.2.第一鰓弓の鰓耙数は特に下肢上の鰓耙数に於てゴマサバとマサバを区別するに適し,24~26本がゴマサバ,27本以上がマサバで其の誤差は3~8%である.3.胸鰭軟条数に於ても差異あり,18・19はマサバ,21・22は殆んどゴマサバである.4.体比例では体高・体幅以外に吻端より第二背鰭・臀鰭迄の長さの頻度分布のモードに差異が現われ,又其他にも頭長等異なる処がある.5.尚村上・早野氏により発表された担鰭骨数をも検査し,我々の資料に於ても之が甚だ良い識別点となることを認め,之と斑紋及び鰓耙数との相互の関係を検討した.


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こんな論文どうですか? マサバ・ゴマサバの差異-1-(田村 修ほか),1955 https://t.co/9HPducZCF1 The differences between the types of Pneumato…
こんな論文どうですか? マサバ・ゴマサバの差異-1-(田村 修ほか),1955 https://t.co/9HPducZCF1 The differences between the types of Pneumato…

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