水江 一弘 吉田 主基 正木 康昭
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
no.18, pp.7-29, 1965-02

As a result of the investigation of eighteen Neomeris phocaenoides CUVIER which had beed caught in the coast of Tachibana Bay and landed at Nagasaki fish-market, the following characteristics have been ascertained. 1. The body color of this species is, in general, silver-grey, but is slightly light in its color in the part from the front of the larynx nearly to the anus. Their body color is usually changed to black, when it is made into sample by the fixation or left as it is. Therefore it has been mistakenly reported since olden time that the fresh body color of this species is black. 2. The head of this species is smaller than that of other species, with no snout. The forehead part and upper lip are similar to those of Globicephala melaena. And this whale has no dorsal fin but has a rising growing in wide line at the back, in exchange for the dorsal fin, and many little dots are found in that rising. The histological section of the rising, through the epidermal dot, is shown in Plate IN-15. 3. The percentage of the fins to the body length in this species is larger than that of other species; and the posterior margin of the pectoral fin does not take the wave from. 4. In other kinds of the little toothed whales, the growth of body length is believed to be almost due to the growth of the tail part of such whales as Tursiops sp. and Pseudorca sp., but the growth of the body-length of this species is due to the growth of the abdominal part. 5. To speak of the skull of this species, the extreme rising at the fore part of the nares on os incisivum is characteristic, while os pterygoides, when viewed from the palate, is complicated. The skull measurement of this species are shown in Table 2. 6. The number of vertebra is shown in Table 3. Of the cervical vertebrae, 1st.-3rd. adhere to all specimens. 7. The number of os costale, two-headed os costale, and cartilago, and their connection to vertebrae and sternum are shown in Table 4 and Fig. 5. 8. The form of sternum is interesting to see. It is a short, wide and single bone, and does not consist of three bones, quite different from that of other kinds the of little toothed whales. 9. The scapula of this species has a characteristic form. It is considered generally that the scapula of the little toothed whales is characteristic in form according to their kinds. 10. The number and the form of teeth is shown in Table 5, Fig. 6 and Plate III-10, 12. The form and arrangement of teeth in this species is very characteristic. 11. It seems that Neomeris phocaenoides is delivered of its cub in the coast of Nagasaki Prefecture between the last ten days of August and the first of September. This toothed whale takes the small sardin, small horse-mackerel, squid and other coastal little fishes, namely it has omnivorous nature. 12. In the case of male, there is no mammary slit on both side of the reproductive aperture, and there is a little cavity between the anus and reproductive aperture as shown in Plate II-8. This is the vestige of teat. 13. The authors regret that they can not find the values of this species caught in other sea areas, and confirmed by other authors in regard to the external proportions, the skull measurment, the number of vertebra, os costale, cartilago costale and the teeth, as there is scarcely any such trustworthy values of measurment to be relied upon.1963年9月・10月,長崎県橘湾沿岸で捕獲され,長崎魚市に水揚げされたスナメリ(Neomeris phocaenoides CUVIER)の内18頭(雄12頭,雌6頭)について諸観察測定を行い,本種の特徴について検討した結果,次の事が明らかになった, 1.本種の体色は,下吻下面より肛門附近までは幾分淡色をなしているが,大体に於て全身銀灰色である.固定液で標本にした場合や,そのまゝ長く放置した場合には,普通体色は黒変する.昔から本種の体色は黒色であると報ぜられているのは,この為であろう. 2.本種の頭部は他に比べて非常に小さい.又吻は突出していなくて前頭部及び上唇部はGlobicephala melaenaに良く似ている.又本種には背鰭がない.その代りに背部に隆起部が巾広帯い状に発達していて,その隆起部には細い突起が多数存在している.その突起の部分を通る隆起部の組織学的な切片の状態はP1. IV-15に示した. 3.本種の鰭の体長比は他の種類の小型歯鯨よりも大きい.特に胸鰭はその傾向が強い.又胸鰭後縁は波状をなしていない. 4.他の種類の小型歯鯨類ではその体長の成長は主としてその尾部による所が大であったが,本種に於ける体長の成長はその胴部の伸びが主として貢献している.これは本種が沿岸性の小型歯鯨である事を物語っていると思われる. 5.本種の頭骨には切歯骨の鼻孔前方に存在する甚しい隆起が特徴的であり,その他形態上の特徴は口蓋面より見た翼状骨の形が複雑である等.又本種の頭骨計測結果はTable2に示した. 6.脊椎骨数の計測結果はTable3にかゝげた.本種の頸椎骨は大体に於て最初の三つが癒着していた. 7.肋骨・肋軟骨数及び夫等と脊椎骨・胸骨との結合状態等についてはTable4,Fig.5に示した. 8.本種の胸骨は非常に特徴ある形態をして居り,他の種類の小型歯鯨類の胸骨に於ける如く,胸骨柄・胸骨体・剣状突起の三つの骨から成立っていなくて単一骨である.その長さは短くて,巾広い. 9.本種の肩甲骨は特徴ある形をしている.肩甲骨は各種の小型歯鯨でその形態に良く特徴が出ていると思われる. 10.本種の歯数はTable5に示した.本種の歯の形及び歯の配列状態は特徴的である. 11.本極は長崎県沿岸では8月下旬より9月初旬に分娩するものと思われる.又本種は雑食性で沿岸の小型魚例えば小アジ・小イワシ及びイカ類を餌として摂取している様である. 12.本種の雄には生殖孔の両側に乳溝はない.又生殖孔と肛門の中間に一つの小盲嚢が存在している.これは退化乳頭であると考えられる. 13.他に信頼出来る測定値が殆んどないので,体長プロポーション・頭骨計測・脊椎骨数・肋骨・肋軟骨・歯数・等他の海域産のものと比較出来ないのは残念であった.
谷山 茂人 柴野 啓輔 ニー ライミトナ 篠原 充 高谷 智裕 荒川 修
長崎大學水産學部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
vol.91, pp.1-3, 2010-03

道津 喜衛 冨山 一郎
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
vol.23, pp.1-42, 1967-08

During 1947 to 1967, marine fishes were collected by the authors from Saikai National Park, Nagasaki Prefecture, Western Kyushu. During this period, two main trips were made to this area to investigate the fish-fauna and many other trips to investigate fisheries biolgy as well as the fish-fauna. In this paper, 426 species and 11 sub-species of 143 families of marine fishes collected from the park are described in scientific name as well as in Japanese common name and local name together with the collection-localities. The fish-fauna of the area, facing to the Tsushima Warm Current, a branch of the Kuroshio Current, is similar to that of Wakayama, Kochi and Kagoshima Prefectures on the Pacific coast of Japan facing directly to the Kuroshio Current, and it indicats the characteristics of sub-tropical fish-fauna of South-Eastern Asia.
右田 清治
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
no.56, pp.p15-20, 1984-09

Interspecific crossing in the Laminariaceae has been carried out for long time. Many investigators considered that interspecific hybridization takes place among many species in Laminaria and that crosses between three species in Undaria are also complete interfertility. In this paper, hybridizations between Eisenia bicyclis, Ecklonia cava, Ecklonia stolonifera and Ecklonia kurome were investigated in laboratory and field cultures. Intergeneric and interspecific crosses were possible between any pair of the four species in Eisenia and Ecklonia. Among the four species, Ecklonia cava has smooth leaves, but other three species have densely rugose leaves. After 3 months culture in the field, the hybrids between Ecklonia cava ♀ and Eisenia bicyclis ♂ showed intermediate morphological aspects of their parents in occurrence of rugae on leaves. The hybrids between Ecklonia cava♀and Ecklonia kurome ♂ and between Ecklonia cava ♀ and Ecklonia stolonifera ♂ had similar results.
清水 千秋 福原 忠信
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
vol.10, pp.25-37, 1961-01-31

The quantitative compositions of fatty scids in the blubber oils and head oils of Tursiops sp. (Hando Iruka), Pseudorca sp. (Okigondo Kuzira) and Grampus sp. (Hanagondo Kuzira) were determined (Table 7a, 7b and 7c). In this analysis, fatty acids were previously fractionated to the liquid and solid acids by the Urea adduct-MeOH method1) before fractional distillations (Table 2a, 2b and 2c). After the fractional distillations, the number of double bond of the methyl ester of unsaturated fatty acids were estimated by the paper chromatography of their mercuric compounds²). On the fatty acids of their blubber oils, the saturated and unsaturated acids were about 20% and 80% respectively, and about 80% of them are C₁₆, C₁₈ and C₂₀ acids. On the Pseudorca sp. and Grampus sp,, the fatty acids of C₁₆ dominate (about 40%), and on Tursiops sp. the fatty acids of C₁₈ are main part (about 34%). The saturated fatty acids of their head oils are about 75% of Tursiops sp. and Pseudorca sp., but are 52% of Grampus sp., and the unsaturated fatty acids of one double bond are about 20% of the former and about 50% of the latter. The saturated fatty alcohols are about 92% of the unsaponifiable matter and 85% of them is hexadecanol in the head oil of Pseudorca sp. (Table 9).
矢田 修 槌本 六秀 槌本 六良
長崎大學水産學部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
vol.83, pp.5-12, 2002-03

田村 修 藤木 哲夫 恵藤 国臣
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
vol.12, pp.72-77, 1962-02-28

We studied on the relation between the amount of extracted blood and the decreasing hematocrit value in specimen of eel (40~65g)and carp(420~650g) (66 and 12 specimen), by the continuous several extractions of 0.5ml each time from the same fish. The decreasing hematocrit values were from 1.3%to 2.5%in eel and from 1.1%to 2.5% in carp in each extraction. The decrease of hematocrit value of all specimen was caused when the total amount of extracted blood came to 1.9, 1.6 and 1.1% (ml/g)in the eel of each body weight (40~65g, 70~95g, 100g<), 0.8% (ml/g) of body weight in the carp. Namely, the reaction of the increase of the evythrocyte counts is presumed to bo unable to occur in such short intervals (2~27 minutes) of the blood-extraction.
山田 鉄雄
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
no.30, pp.35-37, 1970-12

水江 一弘 吉田 主基
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
vol.10, pp.38-46, 1961-01-31

A large number of Tursiops sp. were caught at Arikawa Bay in Goto Is. of Nagasaki pref. In this Tursions sp., the many babies immediatly after the parturition and many females which has large fetus immediatly before the parturition, were included, so it is seemed that this Tursiops sp. is group in the course of the migration of parturition. The body length of the fetus in paturition is presumed about 120 cm. On the body color, the striped dark design in the shape of the anchor was observed at the front of the rear of the head, and in this point it is same characteristic to the Pacific Tursiops sp. About the external proportion of body, in this Tursiops sp. the head part is longer, the portion of the waist and tail is smaller than the northern species of this prefecture, but is similar in these portions to Pacific spp. And the characteristics in this species is that the dorsal fin situates more forward and the breadth of the tail flake is larger than other species. About the skull proportion, the width of the middle snout in maxilla is more narrow and the length of teeth line in maxilla and mandibula is longer and the distance of the end of both temporal is shorter than other Tursiops sp. On the tooth, the distribution of its number is no small, but it has a tendency to much generally. The number of bertebrae was 64, but this value is one animale. About the change of external proportion with the progress of growing, the each values in the head part are decrease and values in the portion of the waist and tail are increase with the progress of growth, it is shown that the degree of the head growth is smaller than the other portions, and the body growth is due to that in the waist and tail mainly.
柴田 恵司
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
no.1, pp.29-32, 1953-02-28

Using the same data of the first report, the author investigated the fluctuation of "kidai" catch caused each operating factor. 1. Netting direction: Max. on W, min. on NW. Fig. 1 2. Wind direction: Max. on W, min. on NW Fig. 2 3. Weather: Min. at rain, other normal. Fig. 3 4. Wind force: Max. in 3~4 (Beaufort's wind acale) Fig. 4 5. Hauling depth: Max. in 92~100 meters. Fig. 5 6. Bottom state: Max. in sM, min. in M. Fig. 6 7. Max. at daytime and sunset, min. in night. Fig. 7 All these results are siginificant by F-test (a<0.05).
保田 正人 山添 義隆 石原 忠
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
no.18, pp.51-58, 1965-02

BERGERMAN & ELLIOTのシュウ酸定量法を若干改変した変法により汽水性,淡水性及び回遊性の魚類数種のものの肉質中シュウ酸含量とその経年消長を測定した.併せてシュウ酸含有量の温度の変動による影響について考察し,次の如き結果を得た. 1)ムッゴロウ,ワラスボの如き汽水魚におけるシュウ酸平均含有量の周年消長の様相は極めて良く類似し,両者共8月に最高,3月に最低値を示す. 2)回遊性のアジ,サバについての季節的変動は認められない. 3)魚肉中のシュウ酸含量は極めて少なく栄養学的には問題にならない. 4)棲息環境温度とシュウ酸含量については休眠期を除き正の相関が認められる. 5)魚肉中のシュウ酸含有量は温度による魚類の活動状況に支配される公算が非常に大きく,成熟度には比較的左右されないものと考えられる.
Gunawan Gozalie A. 柴田 恵司
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
no.59, pp.p35-97, 1986-03

インドネシアの漁業はその生産高において,この国の石油産業,農林業に次ぐ重要な産業であるが,漁船の95%は10G/T未満の在来型の小型漁船で構成され,その水揚げ高はインドネシアの海洋漁業総生産の約98%を占めている。近年,インドネシア政府は漁業生産性向上のあめの様々な近代化政策を進めつつある。しかしながら,インドネシアにおける漁船あるいは,その将来的なビジョンについて,未だ,充分明らかにされていない。本研究の目的の一つは,先ず,この漁船の現状を明らかにし,ひいては,近年とみに変貌しつつあるインドネシア沿岸漁村の在来型小型漁船の現状を記録保存することにある。同時にまた,東南アジア諸国,また,日本の漁船との比較の中から,インドネシア沿岸漁船の将来像を求めようとした。漁船の現状を漁業との関連において把握するため,予想される3種の主な船型について,漁船の25の各部寸法と漁具漁法を含む33の調査項目を記入する調査用紙を予め用意して,1984年7~8月の間,24日にわたって,ジャワ島周辺の8漁村において,調査を行い,在来型漁船175隻の資料を得た。なお,これらの調査地城はインドネシア水産庁の助言により選定された。以上の調査と並行して,新しく作成した船型計測装置を使用して漁船20隻の正確な船体線図を求めた。ジャワの在来型漁船は丸木船(d/o),半構造舟(s/d)および,構造舟(pl)の3種に大別され,構造舟にはアウトリガーが無く,d/oとs/dには原則としてダブルアウトリガーを持っている。しかし,d/oでは,これを持っていない例もあり,また,Rembangのs/dでは特殊構造のシングルリガーを備えている。調査結果によると,以上3種はそれぞれ,基本的には相似の船型であるが,漁村毎に固有の船型を持っている。この傾向は帆走装置にも見られ,この地方独特のラテンセールやマレーインドネシアセールはアラブ,インドからもたらされたという。一方,ジャワ在来型漁船は一般に痩せた船型で,特にd/o, s/dではこの傾向が強い。なお,推進機関を有する船はd/oで,16%, s/dで56%また,plで78%,全体で,66%であった。しかし,この平均馬力は11.7psと,日本のFRP漁船の98.7psに比較して著しく小さい。127隻の資料について行った主な考察結果は次の通りである。1)全長と幅の比は,平均で,ジャワ漁船では,s/dの14.8が最も大きく,d/oで9.3, plで4.1であり,フィリッピンs/dの12,5, d/oの12.4,日本のFRE漁船の4.1,タイ漁船の4.6に比べて,ジャワs/d, d/oは-般に痩せた船型といえる。この傾向は,この地方の周年穏やかな海況のほかに,近年まで帆や「かい」によって推進されていたため,船型的に船体抵抗を最小にするように淘汰された為と考えられる。2)全長と深さの比は,平均で,ジャワのd/Qで,14.3, s/dで,12.6であり,フィリッピンd/o, 15.2, s/dの13.4とほぼ等しく,また,ジャワ構造舟の11.3は,日本のFRP漁船の8.5やタイ漁船の9.3に比べ,著しく浅い。これはジャワでは漁村地先の遠浅の沿岸や川口のように水深が比較的浅い水城に漁船を係留する為と考える。3)色々の漁船の様々な組み合わせについて行ったクラスター,あるいは判別分析の結果によると,ジャワ漁船は漁村毎にそれぞれ固有の船型を持つと判断されるが,そのs/dは船型的にフィリッピンのと相似であると考えられた。4)一方,ジャワで計測したd/o, 3隻,s/d, 7隻及びp1, 10隻の他,その他の資料,すなわち,インドネシア,7隻,和船,26,中国,10,韓国,11および,欧州,9隻の構造船,ならびに,ソロモン,パプアニューギニアおよび,沖縄のd/oとs/dの7隻,合計94隻分の船体線図について,それぞれ,船型関係諸係数を計算し,その中の15係数の無次元化データを用いて,ジャワ漁船を中心にそれぞれの船型比較を行った結果,ジャワ構造舟はその地方の先行的船型であるd/oまたはs/dと比較的相似で,基本的にはそれから発達したものと考えられる。また,中国や西欧からの船型的影響も認められたが,日本の和船や韓国漁船のものとは明らかに異なっている。5)今後,インドネシア漁船の改良,発展に直接利用できるジャワ構造に関する若干の近似式を次に示す。なお,これらは本研究の過程で得られた。i)船に搭載できる重量,LoadW: LoadW=0.04159Loa+6.78133B-0.39049D-7.27249 (kg) ここで,長さの単位はメートルである。ii)今後,搭載すべき推進機関の馬力,ps: ps=0.37991 LoaLoa²-4.0877
片岡 千賀之
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
vol.81, pp.117-159, 2000-03

This paper describes the development process and reorganization of Nagasaki Fish Market during 1945-1964 that followed "Modern History of Fresh Fish Distribution and Fish Market in Nagasaki" on No.80 of this bulletin. In this paper,the period has been divided into three. (1) 1945-1949: With rapid fisheries revival such as trawl and purse-seine fisheries after the war, Nagasaki Fish Wholesale Company and its facilities were reorganized and rebuilt. Influential fisheries members were appointed to lead the investment and direct the company. While their handling were increasing in both volume and value, fish landing and distribution were pursued under the government control the same as that in fishing activity. (2) 1951-1954: By resolving govenment control system, free fish trade in the market were revived. Middle-wholesalers and fish retailers came back to the previous jobs where they were dealing with the real demand. Fish handling were increasing continuously due to the increase of fish landings. Nagasaki Prefectural Fisheries Co-operative Association tried to establish another fish market in Nagasaki, but it was failed later due to the lack of capital and the irregularity of poor catch of purse-seine fisheries which supposed to be their main support. (3) 1955-1964: With expansion of fishing ground and fish consumption, Nagasaki Fish Market was further growing. The displacement of the market location encouraged this situation and therefore, their handling in volume reached a peack in 1960. However it turned to decrease because of the variation of resources and use of alternative fish handling ports besides Nagasaki. Finally this paper examines the comparison of Nagasaki Fish Market with other nearby fish markets. As there was a wide range of fisheries and expansion of fishing ground, the fishermen began to choose the fish landing place. Nagasaki Fish Market has advantage and disadvantage in location as it is near fishing grounds but far away from big consuming areas, resulting in low price formation. Another characteristics of Nagasaki Fish Market is that more than half of landed fish are sent directly to big cities without auction within its market.
森内 新二 道津 喜衛
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
vol.36, pp.7-12, 1973-12

Natural egg masses of the sea catfish, Plotosus anguillaris (Lacpede) were collected from the shore of Nomo Bay in Nomosaki (Lat. 32° 35.3' N, Long. 129° 45.5' E). The first egg mass was collected on June 12, 1972. The second and third collections were made on June 2 and July 1, 1973 respectively. The egg masses of the sea catfish were found in the shallow tide pool on the muddy shore during the ebb tide, being deposited in small holes under a vinyl sheet or cement boards probably made by the spawners, and being usually guarded by males. The eggs were spherical in shape measuring from 3.12mm. to 3.50mm. in diameter, non-adhesive and demersal. The egg yolk was considerably large and bright yellow in colour. The rearing and handling of eggs were found very difficult despite the size of egg and hence it was thought indispensable to have the knowledge of incubating habit of the male parent in order to be successful in normal development and hatching of eggs. Hatching was successful only from one egg mass collected on July 1, 1973 which was fortunately fully developed after the eggs were kept in the aquarium for only four days while the other two egg masses still at the early developmental stages were absolutely unsuccessful. The newly hatched out prolarvae, about 6.9 mm. in the total length, could not move to the water surface because of the big yolks and remained at the bottom of the aquarium. It took about 10 days before completing the yolk absorption and attaining the free swimming stage. About 4 days after hatching, the prolarvae began to move crawling along the bottom of the aquarium and gathered themselves at a certain area, showing their instinct of schooling. The rudiment of dendritic appendage of the urogenital papilla appeared already in the newly hatched larvae and it developed into a complicated form in the course of larval development. The postlarvae at the early swimming life stage measuring about 15 mm. in total length, already showed the appearance resembling the adult. From the free swimming stage, the larvae were bred for one month with nauplii of brine shrimp, Artemia salina.
清水 千秋 福原 忠信
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
no.10, pp.25-37, 1961-01-31

The quantitative compositions of fatty scids in the blubber oils and head oils of Tursiops sp. (Hando Iruka), Pseudorca sp. (Okigondo Kuzira) and Grampus sp. (Hanagondo Kuzira) were determined (Table 7a, 7b and 7c). In this analysis, fatty acids were previously fractionated to the liquid and solid acids by the Urea adduct-MeOH method1) before fractional distillations (Table 2a, 2b and 2c). After the fractional distillations, the number of double bond of the methyl ester of unsaturated fatty acids were estimated by the paper chromatography of their mercuric compounds²). On the fatty acids of their blubber oils, the saturated and unsaturated acids were about 20% and 80% respectively, and about 80% of them are C₁₆, C₁₈ and C₂₀ acids. On the Pseudorca sp. and Grampus sp,, the fatty acids of C₁₆ dominate (about 40%), and on Tursiops sp. the fatty acids of C₁₈ are main part (about 34%). The saturated fatty acids of their head oils are about 75% of Tursiops sp. and Pseudorca sp., but are 52% of Grampus sp., and the unsaturated fatty acids of one double bond are about 20% of the former and about 50% of the latter. The saturated fatty alcohols are about 92% of the unsaponifiable matter and 85% of them is hexadecanol in the head oil of Pseudorca sp. (Table 9).
八坂 茂 宮原 昭二郎 田端 義明
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
vol.3, pp.29-38, 1955-05-31

We already reported a prawn secreted an agaragarlike substance in the first report "Studies on the muscle-protein of Penaeus japonicus BATE". Now we intend to entitle a series of agaragarlike protein as a crustacean proteid. A crustacean proteid of crayfish contains fifteen substances―serine, lysine, glycine, arginine, histidine, threonine, alanine, tyrosine, methionine, phenyl-alanine, leucine, trace of proline and three unknown matters. The another crustacean proteid has an almost similiar constitution.
片岡 千賀之
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
vol.89, pp.15-36, 2008-03

To establish a fisheries particular La-11k, a national-wide fisheries economic survey concerning fisheries finance and management was conducted in 1905. Based on the survey document for Nagasaki prefecture, this paper describes fisheries finance, the necessity of a fisheries bank, fisheries capital investment and its components as well as income and expenditures, We will also compare it to the national average. The fisheries of that time including the fish processing industry corresponded to the final stage of the non-motorized era and required much more convenient fisheries finance for further industrial development. Due to a weak economic basis, the fisheries finance was finally subsidized by state bank finance instead of the establishing a separate fisheries bank. This process was legislated by means of the amendment of the fisheries law and the governmental ba.l1k law in 1910. Fisheries finance wa.s characterized in pre-capitalistic ways such as short-time loans with high interest, liquidated debt from fish jobbers or leeches with marine products. On the other hand, bank finance was rare even in a documentary bill and especially for canning factories and modern industry. The capital investment of Nagasaki which was composed of equity capital, jobber loans, bank loans, and leech loans was almost equal to that of other prefectures. However a number of Nagasaki fisheries had the advantage of whaling, coral collection, canning, and fishing in Korea. By district, Tsushima Island tended to carry a loan of floating capital from outsiders because fishermen came from other districts. By commodity, export items like dried squid producers relied on loans from traders in Nagasaki port and coral collection from jobbers in other prefectures. This paper also analyzes the capital, income and expenditures of representative fisheries in Nagasaki prefecture such as the beach-seine and lift-net for sardine, set-net for tuna, gill-net for yellowtail, pole and line for skipjack as well as dried skipjack processing, canning, and dried squid processmg.
藤木 哲夫 道津 喜衛
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
no.14, 1963-03
