佐佐木 隆
人文 (ISSN:18817920)
no.10, pp.178-157, 2012-03-28

一つの他動詞が二つの目的語をもつ﹆いわゆる﹁二重ヲ格﹂の構文は﹆中古から近世までかなり詳細に調査され﹆考察されてきている。しかし﹆﹃古事記﹄﹃日本書紀﹄﹃萬葉集﹄などの上代の文献については﹆ほとんど未開拓であり﹆その特徴が明らかにされていない。 本稿ではその欠を補うべく上代の文献を徹底的に調査したうえで﹆多くの実例に考察を加え﹆上代では二つの目的語のうち第一の目的語だけが助詞﹁を﹂を伴い﹆第二の目的語はそれを伴わないという特徴が認められることを明らかにする。上代の場合は﹁二重ヲ格﹂という呼称は不適切であり﹆﹁二重目的語構文﹂とでも呼ぶべきものである。﹁二重目的語構文﹂として認定するのに困難を伴う例があるが﹆本稿ではそのような例の一つ一つに検討を加え﹆問題の解決に努める。また﹆﹁二重目的語構文﹂に現れる﹁を﹂と﹁に﹂との関係についても﹆多くの例を挙示しながら私見を述べる。The so-called "double-wo construction," in which one transitive verb has two objects, has been the subject of intensive investigation and discussion. However, studies so far have focused mainly on the relevant construction from the Heian period to the modern period, and little research has been done on ancient literature such as the Kojiki, Nihon Shoki, and Manyōshū; consequently, its characteristics have yet to be fully illuminated. To fill in this gap, this paper thoroughly examines ancient texts and discusses many examples to illustrate that, in Early Old Japanese, only the first of two objects in a double-wo sentence has the particle "wo," while the second object lacks this particle. Accordingly, the name "double-wo construction" is unsuitable in the case of Early Old Japanese. Although some of the examples in question are apparently difficult to categorize as having "double objects", this paper tries to show that they are really not problematic by giving closer examination of individual cases. Furthermore, it also provides many examples and the author's point of view regarding the relationship between the particles "wo" and "ni" which appear in some "double object" sentences.


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佐佐木 隆 -  <研究論文> 二つの目的語をもつ上代語の構文 : 助詞「を」の機能 http://t.co/2OJ4xAyIsX #CiNii

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