中島 正博
広島市立大学国際学部 (Hiroshima City University, Faculty of International Studies)
広島国際研究 (ISSN:13413546)
vol.15, pp.89-101, 2009

Present society is characterized by weak human relationships,which result in various problems in local communities due to lack of collaborative work among residents. The causes for the phenomena can be attributed to such historical trends as social modernization,urbanization,market economy,and individualism. Social capital is an outcome of social relationships and is a useful concept to understand communities. Putnam (2000: 19) defines social13;capital as the "connections among individuals --social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them." The Cabinet Office of the Japanese Government conducted two nationwide studies of social capital in 2002 and 2005. The results indicated a likelihood of declining social capital in Japan and pointed out the possibility of uplifting it by al local civil activity. However,re viewing the studies revealed the following. Civil activities to solve local problems would not be sufficient to lift social capital since its improvement will remain only a part of the community and they can not overcome the fundamental causes of the historical social trend. Recovering capabilities to solve local problems is necessary but not sufficient for community revival. To revive a community,it is necessary for people to pay regard to social ties. This requires a change in the way of people's life,whereas the prevailing social climate is to avoid personal association. The change is essential for quality of life. Civil activities to enhance quality of life are necessary. Then social capital of a community will be lifted widely and deeply enough for its revival.


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こんな論文どうですか? 地域コミュニティの再興に関する考察--日本におけるソーシャルキャピタルを巡る議論を基にして(中島 正博),2009 https://t.co/teHgvzWq5E

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