吉田 舞
no.34, pp.65-92, 2013-11

1991年,フィリピンのピナトゥボ山が噴火した.この噴火を機に,周辺地域の産業構造と労働市場は大きく変容した.本稿は,この過程で急速に市場経済に参入することになった先住民アエタを事例に,市場社会における排除の過程と構造について考察する.アエタは,火山の噴火後,伝統的な山仕事から平地1)の仕事へ移った.同時に,アエタは平地の労働市場で,劣った能力しか持たない安価な労働力2)として,排除されることになった.他方で,アエタは,市場社会での苦しい生活から脱出するため,市場的価値を受容していった.このようにアエタは,文化的にも市場社会へ取り込まれていった.その結果,アエタは生活向上が阻まれる市場社会において,ますます貧困化の道を歩み続けることになった.ここに,文化的強調と社会構造の結びつき(Merton 1949=1961:135)をみることができる.それこそ,市場社会における排除を持続させているものである.しかし,従来の社会的排除論は,社会政策の脈絡で議論されることが多かったため,社会構造(労働市場)からの排除に焦点、が当てられてきた.これに対して,本稿は,市場社会におけるアエタの排除の両面的な(社会/文化)構造を考察する.つまり,アエタの労働環境などの社会的なものだけではなく,人々が市場的価値へ適応していく文化的なものにも着目し,市場社会における排除の過程と構造を明らかにする.This paper discusses the social exclusion of the Pinatubo Aetas,a group of indigenous people in the Philippines,who were pushed to join the market economy immediately after eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991. Since their entry into the labormarket,the Aetas' nature of work and values has been changing as they are physically and culturally incorporated into the market.However,when the Aetas enter the local labor market,they are tagged as "indigenous people" and categorized asnon-skilled laborers,which result in their marginalization. The Aetas eventually try to acquire the values and labor skills of thedominant market to sustain their livelihood and escape poverty.However,because of lack of access to market resources,they remain trapped in poverty. From as social perspective,the Aetas areexcluded in the labor market,although they are culturally included in the market value system. This paper points out these processesas being part of a structure of the Aetas' social exclusion. Further,this paper examines the linkage of this exclusion and the cultural inclusion of the Aetas. In a previous study on social exclusion,thephenomenon of exclusion was discussed within the context of social structures such as labor market,civil society,and state. TheAetas are not only marginalized by existing social structures; their value system is also gradually endangered as they are forced to acquire new skills and adapt to the market value system to survive.This paper examines specific examples of Aetas in the labor market from these viewpoints to capture the process andmeaning of their inclusion in the market society.


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