玄 武岩
北海道大学大学院国際広報メディア・観光学院 = Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
no.18, pp.25-47, 2014

This paper examines the transnational space of popular culture and cultural identities in Korea that formed in the process of the public acceptance of Japanese Animation (Anime), one of few fields officially allowed in the postwar period during which Japanese popular culture was forbidden. Particularly, in analyzing anime-songs aired in Korea between the 1960s and the 2000s and in observing the process of their historical evolvement, critical points for arguing the flow of popular culture between Japan and Korea as it relates to media culture and identity emerge. The research first reconstitutes the cultural relationship between postwar Japan and Korea, as reflected in the acceptance of Anime and historic changes in South Korean identities in the above period, according to the ideal type "Anime-Song Community." Then, the research employs a comprehensive approach incorporating diverse perspectives of industrial and historical content flow, consumption, and identity to examine the way in which media practice constitutes that field. By thus considering from an overall perspective what kind of socio-cultural dynamics are revealed through changes in the style of acceptance of "Anime-Songs" shared between both countries, we should be able to comprehend the transition of cultural identity amidst young Korean generations.


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こんな論文どうですか? 越境するアニメソングの共同体 : 日本大衆文化をめぐる韓国の文化的アイデンティティとオリジナルへの欲望 (特集 東アジアにおけるメディア文化フローのダイナミズム(玄 武岩),2014 … https://t.co/XDvXxN8I9Y

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