鈴木 直恵 岡田 宣子
vol.41, no.10, pp.52-59, 2000-10-25

衣生活行動の自立へ向かう小学校3~6年生女子1,311名を対象に,心身の発達を考虚した,子供服の設計並びに子供の衣環境整備・被服教育のための基礎資料を得ることを目的として,質問紙調査法により衣生活行動の現状および問題点をとらえた.主な結果は次の通りである.1. 通学服の組み合わせを, 3年生では約70%, 6年生では90%以上が自分で決定しており,主に色の調和を考えて組み合わせを行っている.2. 体育のある日には更衣に配慮して,約40%がかぶり式上衣で登校する.また学年が進むにつれ家からブルマーをはいて行く人が増加する.3. 5,6年生になると,自己の体つきに対する意識が強まり,大腿部が見えるミニスカートやブルマーを嫌う傾向がみられ,スカート丈を気にするようになる.4. 5,6年生では,生理時に濃い色の服を着たり,ブラジャーが目立たないよう透けない服を着ようと配慮している.The purpose of this is to determine clothing preferences of 1,311 elementary school girls from grades 3 to 6 through questionnaires. As this level of an important stage in the development of mind and body, better design of clothing to meet the needs of these children is required. The results are follows:1) A 70% of the third grades and a 90% of the sixth grades girls select their clothing for school by themselves and with attention to matching colors.2) To changes easier their clothing to gymnastic uniform, about 40% of girls put on pullover shirts and upper grade girls put on bloomers before they leave for school.3) It was evident that fifth and sixth grade girls were very conscious of their own physique and cared about skirt length. The reason why girls dislike wearing miniskirts and bloomers was exposure of thighs.4) Fifth and sixth grade girls usually wear color clothing during menstruation and they use clothing in which their bras don't show through.


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