小瀬木 美由季
東京女子大学言語文化研究 (ISSN:09187766)
vol.18, pp.107-117, 0000

Kiso County in Nagano Prefecture is an area where eastern and western Japanese dialects mix.At twenty-one points in the county,I surveyed people native to the area aged sixty-five years and older.I analysed the results of the survey in terms of phonetic, grammatical, and lexical forms. From this analysis, I was able to create a linguistic atlas displaying some of the dialectical differences according to an area of the county. When I compared the atlas I made with the Linguistic Atlas of Japan,and a linguistic atlas of Nagano Prefecture,I was able to identify some new word forms in the mountain area that had not been mentioned in earlier studies.Moreover,I was able to show that some of the word forms used in an area along a major roadway were becoming common in the mountain area.The results of the survey suggest that there is a dialect boundary between the area around the former Kiso-Fukushima Town and Agematsu Town. This would appear to be a result of the relationship between the areas in Kiso County where people live, and the areas that they commute to.


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