田中 研之輔
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン : 法政大学キャリアデザイン学会紀要 = Lifelong learning and career (ISSN:13493051)
vol.12, no.1, pp.35-55, 2014-09

On 80s, Ritzer, G pointed out the irresistibility of Mcdonalization. Mcdonalization implies a search for maximum efficiency in increasingly numerous and diverse socialsetting (Ritzer, 1996). The fast-food restaurant offers its employees a dehumanizing work setting. This paper describes the practical role and decision of manager at the fast-food Industry in Japan. In order to understand the role and decision of manager, I try to look deeper into what fast-food managers do, what roles they conduct, and how they make decisions on their shops. The raw materials on this paper from the fieldwork that I conducted and carried out during 2008-2014. This paper also refers to H. Mintzbergʼs work, managerial work constituted by the external meeting, share information, interpersonal roles, and decisional roles (Mintzberg, 2004). In doing so, this paper observe, describe and understand the practical work of management on the Fast-Food Industry.


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