本多 真隆
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.78, pp.47-62, 2014

論文The term "Wa" was frequently used to describe the emotional relations within the family during the pre-war period; however, little attention has been paid to the relevance of this term until recently. In this study, we discuss the criteria for emotional relationships between couples in modern Japanese society through an analysis of the language space formed by the edict "husbands and wives be harmonious" from the Imperial Rescript on Education. Our analysis revealed that (1) the authority–obedience relations remained within what the interpreter regarded as proper bounds; (2) the virtue of harmony was interpreted in various ways; and (3) it was considered a relationship that may be damaged by too much emotional arousal. In the conclusion, we critically analyze the traditional framework of thinking that unequivocally defines love, marriage, and relationships between couples.


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