広田 秀樹 Hirota Hideki
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.60, pp.49-65, 2015-03

A serious missile crisis occurred in Europe during the late 1970s and 1980s after the Soviet Union deployed very powerful SS-20 intermediate-range nuclear force (INF) missile in 1977. Such bold military behavior on the part of Soviet Union represented the superiority of the leading socialist nation, pitted against the leading capitalist nation of the United States. Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as U.S. president in 1981. In response to this military action of the Soviet Union, his administration adopted a strategy known as "peace through strength". This was a fairly new approach that aimed to solve international political issues and establish world peace by utilizing national strengths, such as military power and technology in addition to economic prosperity. This paper explores the beginning of the missile crisis in Europe, as well as the beginning of the Reagan administration's strategy of "peace through strength".


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こんな論文どうですか? INF問題の発生とレーガン政権によるINF交渉の始動 : レーガン政権の「力による平和」戦略の開始(広田 秀樹ほか),2015 https://t.co/L17SmIbETy

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