Steponaviciute Agne
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.52, pp.1-18, 2011-12

The object of this paper is the Japanese original rock style visual-kei and the elaboration of traditional culture-grounded motifs occurring in it while also taking into consideration the processes of the localization of gothic. The analysis has been carried out focusing on the two main images, namely, ogres (oni) and the Japanese cherry (Sakura). The purpose of it has been to disclose the simularities of the expression of these images to the ones of vampires and roses. The analysis has been performed through three steps. First, the background of significance of sakura and oni has been explored. Second, the main tendencies of the expression of these images in visual-kei have been indicated. Third, two examples of visual-kei bands, Kagrra, and Merry Go Round, have been chosen for an extensive examination.
小林 佳乃子 Kobayashi Kanoko
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.62, pp.55-72, 2016-03

This paper presents the issues of the social status of people with mental disabilities in the Edo era Japan by focusing on the examples of commutation of punishment and their social treatment upon such people's conducting criminal and other offences. The words which describe mental disabilities were classified into different kinds, namely ranshin, gumai and shukyo (which are similar to today's mentally incompetent, mentally deficient and ebrious state). Based on these words, there were some commutations of punishment when people with mental disabilities committed a serious crime. These commutations depended on the accused's social rank and pardon of the relatives of victims. There were also three other kinds of treatment for people with mental disabilities in the Edo era. These were not punishments, but the person was for example held captive or pulled down to a severe discriminatory status. People who fell under these treatments were split into these three types due to their personal situation. From the above certain issues arise, which will have to be addressed in further research. These include the relationship between the treatment of persons with mental disabilities and their social rank, gender and family ties.
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.24, pp.215-232, 2002-07

風間 彩香 Kazama Ayaka
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.61, pp.85-102, 2015-12

Anna Brownell Jameson's Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical was the first book to examine Shakespeare's female characters at length and consider women as a legitimate category of Shakespeare criticism. Taking into account her figure as a feminist, this article explores the relationship between British feminism in the 1830s and Ophelia, the heroine of Hamlet. In her book, Shakespeare's female characters are classified into four categories depending on their characteristics. Ophelia is labeled as Characters of Passion and Imagination. "Passion" and "Imagination" were traditionally considered as the masculine characteristics in the Western philosophy and aesthetics. In the context of feminism, they were essential elements to succeed in love. Considering these contexts, these characteristics are weak especially in Ophelia because she is an extremely passive heroine. Her passiveness seems to contradict with feminism. However, Jameson accomplished her aim in the depictions of Ophelia's girlhood and a love relationship with Hamlet. It is typical for a feminist to put importance on these elements. Using a method typical for feminism, she developed her opinion through Ophelia. Overall, Ophelia's passiveness is a preferable subject for Jameson to maintain her opinion as a feminist.
桜沢 亜伊
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.39, pp.19-36, 2007-07

종래의 연구에서늗 '満鮮史' 라는 역사적인 틀을 '満洲' 와 朝鮮의 역사를 하나로 본것처럼 이해되어져 왔다. 그러나 '만선사' 라는 역사적인 틀은 '満洲史' 와 朝鮮史라는 역사적인 틀의 존재를 전제로 한 것이었다. '만선사' 라는 용어는 당초에는 '만주 및 조선의 역사' 의 생략형에 불과하였지만 稲葉岩吉(이나바 이와키치)는 그의 '満鮮不可分論' 을 통해 '만선사' 연구를 主唱하였다. 이나바 이와키치의 '만선불과분론' 과 '만선사' 라는 역사적인 틀과의 관련에 대해서는 검토해 볼 여지가 있다고 생각된다.
田渕 直樹
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.23, pp.1-18, 2002-03

The 'Mizu Kaese' movement is one of the first local resident's campaign in Japan to succeed in acquiring the maintenance flow discharge in the river. But the people of the three Kawanes were not satisfied with the results at all. What is the reason of it? Firstly, the people of the three Kawanes did not fully understand the 'Kawara Sabaku' of the Ooi river. The dam of the Chuden Co.Ltd., destructed the circulation of water and soils and the eco-system of the Ooi river. Secondly, because the leaders of that campaign was not people but person of influence in the three Kawanes, they couldn't give a challenge to the Chuden Co.Ltd., and the government. The 'Mizu Kaese' movement is completely different from a citizen's movement that was in fashion since 1990's in Japan. Next step, they need to set up a council to discuss the eco-system in the Ooi river, and start a campaign of reviving the river with the people all over the country.
高橋 洋子 Takahashi Yoko
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.42, pp.49-61, 2008-07

This paper aims at clarifying the importance of the effects of cooking at homes and proposing a theoretical model to be investigated by SEM(Structural Equation Modeling) or Covariance Structural Analysis. The educational significance of cooking is examined from the following view points; Bandura's observational learning theory, Maslow's need-hierarchy theory and Noddings' caring theory. Especially, observational learning is our key concept in understanding how children develop their knowledge of cooking and their sense of self-esteem. In our study, SEM attempts to explain the relationships among a set of observed variable in our questionnaire in terms of a smaller number of latent variables such as a psychological stimulator or a physical stimulator for cooking.
星井 進介 Hoshii Shinsuke
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.55, pp.219-236, 2012-12

K. E. Weick advocated understanding the organization phenomenon from the viewpoint of organizing in The Social Psychology of Organizing. He showed the concept of enactment in organizing theory. Enactment is the only process where organizational members directly engage with an external environment and is the action that produces the raw materials that can then be made sensible. Weick described that the enactment perspective implies that people in organizations should be more self-conscious about and spend more time reflecting on the actual things they do. Thus, enactment is an important element of the organizing process. The author considers that a discussion of the enactment concept is necessary in the case of the observation and analysis of the organization phenomenon. The aim of this study is to examine the enactment concept from the action and interaction perspectives. For this purpose, Parsons' notion of the double contingency, Silverman's action frame of reference, Blumer's joint act, Schutz's intersubjectivity, and Wiley's analytical frame of the social system were investigated. In this way, the relationship between enactment and interaction in the organizing process was clarified.
小林 聡子
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.74, pp.71-88, 2022-02

Ophelia, Shakespeare's heroine, has been painted in British and other countries from the 19th to the 20th century. The features of most of them are the water which will bury her and a glance which did not cross with the viewers. J.W. Waterhouse also painted Ophelia three times. In his pictures of Ophelia, Waterhouse did not paint the water, and the presence of Ophelia is more foregrounded than the water. Therefore, Ophelia leaves from the literary source in which she will drown, and is presented as the woman who has will. Moreover, Waterhouse painted Ophelia who communicates with viewers. One of the factors is a glance. Ophelia forces viewers to notice her by exchanging glances with each other or devote their attention to her by turning her eyes away from them and showing her concentration. As a result, Ophelia becomes a woman who has will and a sense of existence. While Ophelia is the existence who will drown by facing misfortune in literary sources, she becomes a woman who is living and acting in Waterhouse's paintings. Therefore, paintings of Ophelia by Waterhouse represent the praise of living.
劉 成竜
no.71, pp.17-31, 2020-11

Many rebirth stories have been made since ancient times, and even today, it is used in various genres such as novels and movies. There were also many rebirth stories in which animals killed by humans appealed to the lord of the underworld and called the person who killed them to the underworld. In the Chinese rebirth story, the roles played by animals are mainly classified into five types. On the other hand, Japanese rebirth stories are characterized by incorporating four types of elements, "leading", "litigation", "defense", and "reward", with the theme of "killing" and "life release". It can be seen that while incorporating elements of Chinese rebirth stories, Japanese rebirth stories created a unique narrative pattern depending on the social background and the purpose of Buddhist proselytizing.