福岡 安則 黒坂 愛衣
日本アジア研究 : 埼玉大学大学院文化科学研究科博士後期課程紀要 (ISSN:13490028)
vol.12, pp.147-185, 2015

ハンセン病療養所から社会復帰して生きる60 代男性のライフストーリー。 竪山勲(たてやま・いさお)さんは,1948 年,鹿児島県生まれ。ハンセン病であった母は,1960 年,自宅で死亡。1962 年,中学2 年のときに,星塚敬愛園に収容される。ハンセン病療養所入所者のために瀬戸内海の長島愛生園に作られた4 年制の高校,新良田教室を3 年で中退,敬愛園に戻る。20 歳のとき脱走。東京で暮らすが,病気が騒いで多磨全生園に再入所。1975 年,敬愛園に送り返される。1998 年,「らい予防法違憲国賠訴訟」の第1 次原告のひとりとして,国を相手取った闘いに立ち上がる。裁判に勝利したあと,2004 年,社会復帰。同年,衆院補欠選挙に民主党から立候補するも落選。2011 年1 月の聞き取り時点で,62 歳。「ハンセン病違憲国賠訴訟全国原告団協議会」事務局長。聞き手は,福岡安則,黒坂愛衣,北田有希。 竪山さんは,みずから「群れをなすのは好かん。おれは一匹狼」と語るが,同時に,不条理を見抜く眼力の鋭さは天下一品。竪山さんを抜きには,あの「らい予防法違憲国賠訴訟」は,ああは展開しなかったことは間違いない。 聞き手として,竪山さんの話を聞けてほんとによかったと思えることが,2点ある。ひとつは,国に謝罪と賠償を求めるハンセン病訴訟が星塚敬愛園で始まったのは,田中民市さんが園内放送で園内の入所者に呼びかけ,島比呂志さんが手紙を書いて法曹界に訴えかけ,そして,竪山勲さんが放送界に訴えかけたという,それぞれ独自の3 つの動きが一つに合流することによる,という話である。また,KK さんのハンストに言及しつつ,一人ひとりの命を懸けた闘いが勝利をもたらしたのであり,「ハンセン病裁判にヒーローは要らん」と言い切った竪山さんの言葉に,わたしたちはなるほどと得心した。 いまひとつは,竪山さんは,聞き取りの冒頭で「自分には差し障りになるような個人情報はなにもない」と述べ,じっさいに,東京での「逃亡者のごとき」生活ぶり,多磨全生園に再入所せざるをえなかった経緯,さらには,全生園から敬愛園に強制的に送り返された顛末まで,みずからのライフストーリーを率直に語ってくれた。竪山さん自身は,"自分はいつも道の真ん中を歩いてきた。しかし,跳ねっ返りと言われるようになっていた"と語るが,彼の人生のそれぞれの局面を規定づけていたものが強制隔離政策の「らい予防法」体制であったことは,彼の語りから明らかであろう。 なお,〔 〕は聞き手による補筆である。 This is the life story of a man in his 60s who returned to society after living in a Hansen's disease facility. Mr. Isao Tateyama was born in Kagoshima prefecture in 1948. His mother, who also had Hansen's disease, died at home in 1960. In 1962, he was sent to Hoshizuka-Keiaien, a Hansen's disease facility when he was in the second grade of a junior high school. He dropped out of the third grade of the Niirada class of a four-year senior high school established for Hansen's disease patients in Nagashima-Aiseien on the Seto Inland Sea. He escaped the Hansen's disease facility when he was 20 and had lived in Tokyo, but he was sent to the Hansen's disease facility, Tama-Zenshōen again after his symptoms were aggravated. In 1975 he was sent back to Hoshizuka-Keiaien in Kagoshima prefecture. In 1998, he launched his struggle against the government by joining the lawsuit suing the Segregation Policy for unconstitutionality as a member of the first plaintiff group. In 2001, the lawsuit was decided in favor of the plaintiffs by the Kumamoto district court. In 2004, he returned to society and in the same year ran for the House of Representatives by election but failed to gain a seat. He was 62 years old when this interview was conducted on January 2011. He serves as a bureau chief of the National Association of the Plaintiffs of the Lawsuit Suing the Segregation Policy for Unconstitutionality. Interviewers were Yasunori Fukuoka, Ai Kurosaka and Yuki Kitada. Mr. Tateyama describes himself as a lone wolf that does not join the pack. He has the ability to point out social absurdity and it would have been impossible for the lawsuit suing the Segregation Policy for unconstitutionality to have been developed without Mr. Tateyama. We learned two quite important things from the interview with Mr. Tateyama. First, we found that the lawsuit which claimed the apology and compensation from the government began in Hoshizuka-Keiaien with the combination of three respective movements: Mr. Tamiichi Tanaka's proposal to the ex-patients in the facility by public announcement; Mr. Hiroshi Shima's letters to attract attention from legal community; and Mr. Isao Tateyama's appeal to broadcasting networks. He also mentioned the individuals' desperate struggle invited the win of the suitcase by mentioning Mr. K. K's hunger strike. From this, we can understand Mr. Tateyama's statement, "We do not need a hero for the lawsuit." Second, Mr. Tateyama stated at the early stage of the interview that he did not have any personal information to hide and told almost all of his life story while he lived in Tokyo as a fugitive, how and why he entered Tama-Zenshōen, and the process of coercive re-confinement to Hoshizuka-Keiaien. He used metaphor to describe his life, "I always have walked in the center of the road but became to be said to run and hop." From his story, we learned that the Segregation Policy deeply affected several scenes of his life.


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こんな論文どうですか? 違憲国賠訴訟を闘いぬいて : あるハンセン病回復者聞き取り(福岡 安則ほか),2015 https://t.co/WfkHDievIo
こんな論文どうですか? 違憲国賠訴訟を闘いぬいて : あるハンセン病回復者聞き取り(福岡 安則ほか),2015 https://t.co/WfkHDievIo
こんな論文どうですか? 違憲国賠訴訟を闘いぬいて : あるハンセン病回復者聞き取り(福岡 安則ほか),2015 https://t.co/WfkHDievIo
1 1 https://t.co/yhZBrreMYX
こんな論文どうですか? 違憲国賠訴訟を闘いぬいて : あるハンセン病回復者聞き取り(福岡 安則ほか),2015 https://t.co/WfkHDievIo

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