奥谷 浩一
札幌学院大学総合研究所紀要 = Proceedings of the Research Institute of Sapporo Gakuin University (ISSN:21884897)
vol.2, pp.59-69, 2015-03

丸山眞男の『日本政治思想史』は戦後の日本思想史研究の画期をなす業績のひとつである.しかし,その後の日本思想史研究の蓄積は,この著作の時代的制約とさまざまな問題点とを明らかにしつつある.丸山は,東アジアの思想圏全体を俯瞰することなく,儒教と朱子学を我が国の封建制社会の支柱となった思想体系とのみみなし,江戸時代初期に強固に確立されたこの思想体系が荻生徂徠などの思想のインパクトを受けて解体され,これと並行して近代的意識が形成されたと解釈する.こうした理解は,この時代の複雑で豊かな思想空間を単純な図式によって把握し,限られた射程の準拠枠によって評価するものである.本論文では丸山のこうした日本思想史論の問題点をアウトラインにおいて提示する.Masao Maruyama's Nihon Seiji Shisoshi Kenkyu ("Studies on the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan")is among the landmark studies that were published after Japan's defeat in World War II on the history of Japanese thought. However, an array of studies on the history of Japanese thought following the work of Maruyama have elucidated various problems in, and wartime constraints on, this work. Maruyama did not expand his vision to look at other East Asian thought,and he regarded Confucianism and a Neo-Confucian school called the Chu Hsi School as the system of thought that had become the mainstay of Japanese feudalism. According to Maruyama, the system of thought that was solidified in the early Edo era was later broken down under the influence of the thought of Sorai Ogyu and others concurrently with the formation of a modern consciousness. This grasp of the history of thought in the Edo era presents a simplistic picture of the complex thought and the varied thinkers of those days, and Maruyama's frame of reference is not large enough to evaluate the thought of the Edo era. This study outlines some of the issues in Maruyama's studies on the history of Japanese thought.教養教育Liberal Arts


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こんな論文どうですか? 丸山眞男の日本思想史論の問題点(奥谷 浩一),2015 https://t.co/Sa45LnwDTI 教養教育Liberal Arts丸山眞男の『日本政治思想史』は戦後の日本思想史…

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