赤瀬 智子 嶋田 努 原沢 友紀子 赤瀬 朋秀 池谷 幸信 田代 眞一 油田 正樹
薬理と治療 = Basic pharmacology and therapeutics (ISSN:03863603)
vol.36, no.1, pp.39-48, 2008-01-01

「はじめに」近年先進国において増加しているMetS(内臓脂肪症候群)は動脈硬化性疾患(心筋梗塞や脳梗塞など)の危険性を高めるマルチプルリスクファクター症候群のことである. 動脈硬化性疾患は肥満症, 高血圧症, 高脂血症, 耐糖能異常, 高インスリン血症などの代謝性疾患が重なることによって発症頻度が増加するといわれている1). 日本では, MetSが強く疑われる者と予備群と考えられる者をあわせた割合は男女とも40歳以上でとくに多く, 40~74歳の男性2人に1人, 女性では5人に1人, 約1900万人がMetSおよびその予備軍であると推定され, 深刻な社会問題となっている2). 2005年4月に日本肥満学会, 日本動脈硬化学会, 日本糖尿病学会など8学会により, 日本におけるMetsの診断基準が定義された3). MetSの背景には, 食生活の欧米化により増加した肥満の存在がある. 肥満による内臓脂肪の増加がこの疾患に深く関与していることが明らかになっている4). In recent years the number of patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS) has been increasing in advanced countries, and the condition is now becoming a serious problem in Japan. In Sri Lanka, a perennial liana, Salacia reticulata (Kotala himbutu), has traditionally been used in Ayurveda (Ayurvedic medical care) for the treatment of diabetes (mellitus) and skin diseases. Some reports have recently shown that components of the plant's extracts have an inhibitory action against elevation of blood sugar, antiobesity actions, protective action on the liver, antioxidant actions, etc. In the present study, the effects of a mixture of Kotala himbutu aqueous extract and cyclodextrin (KH) were investigated on the various morbidities of MetS in animal models of MetS, TSOD mice. The animals were given, normal feed (MF) containing the powder of KH at concentrations 1% or 3%, for 8 weeks. Then, the body weight, amount of food intake and the serum insulin levels in the animals were measured. Determination of the serum biochemistry, X-ray computed tomography (CT) to determine the visceral and subcutaneous fat areas, measurement of blood pressure, the pain test and glucose tolerance test were also conducted. Significant inhibitions of weight gain and of visceral and subcutaneous fat accumulation were noted from the early stage of administration of KH. Serum biochemical examination revealed decreases in the blood sugar, T-Cho, LDL-Cho and HDL-Cho levels. The findings confirmed a significant beneficial effect of KH on impaired glucose tolerance, hypertension and peripheral neuropathy.


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こんな論文どうですか? メタボリックシンドロームに対するコタラヒムブツ(Salacia reticulata)の予防効果(赤瀬 智子ほか),2008 https://t.co/dLdt5XN8To

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