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慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.79, pp.83-97, 2015

In this study, I aim to historically reconstruct the sociology of time from the perspective of how its authors have grasped time conception peculiar to modern society. Thus, the following two findings can be deduced ; first, the history of sociology of time can be described as the history of "two-step relativization" against the modern conception of time. In short, until the 1960s, theorists such as Émile Durkheim attempted to relativize modern time conception by revealing other temporalities. Since the 1970s, theorists such as Anthony Giddens and Eviatar Zerubavel have attempted to elucidate the conception itself. Second, I clarify that authors of the sociology of time have described the following three characteristics of modern time conception—measurability, abstractness, and linearity. Simultaneously, however, in considering these characteristics, sociology of time has lacked a theoretical framework. On the basis of implications from Barbara Adam, Warner Bergmann, and Hartmut Rosa's works, I consider this absence as the primary problem of sociology of time. Consequently, I introduce Yusuke Maki's four-quadrant schema, which can explain modern time conception's three characteristics through a single theoretical framework as a solution to the aforementioned problem.論文


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