西村 淑子 Nishimura Toshiko
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
no.23, pp.55-67, 2016-03-01

This article focuses on government liability issues arising from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, various lawsuits have been filed; these lawsuits have varying motivations. One of them is to pursue the government's liability for promoting its nuclear power policy. Japan's Compensation Act allows liability to be assigned to nuclear operators. However, the Japanese Government can also be held liable for nuclear damage if it fails to exercise its regulatory power over the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). This article argues for nuclear damage compensation by considering issues from the Gunma litigation.


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こんな論文どうですか? 福島原発事故における国の賠償責任(西村 淑子ほか),2016 https://t.co/Z8OEEfyf5j This article focuses on government liability issues arisi…

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