河島 基弘
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.17, pp.19-35, 2010

This article explores the dynamics of contemporary environmental organizations, especially Greenpeace, focusing on their anti-whaling campaign―how they have capitalized on the whaling issue to their own interests, and what tactics they have employed to attract public attention. My main argument is that the anti-whaling campaign takes on an aspect of protest business, that is, the exploitation of an environmental cause as a means of raising donations. I demonstrate this by using interviews I conducted with those who have been involved in the issue and by analysing the documents of both pro and anti-whaling sides.
北村 純 Kitamura Jun
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.23, pp.15-32, 2016-03-01

This paper describes recent trends of the attraction of NHK historical drama (Taiga dorama). As one of the community revitalization actions, thirty-some local associations and organizations always make appeals to dramatize their local historical character(s) to the NHK's Taiga dorama. The article presents the overview of these situations and introduces two short cases, the historical dramas featuring Japanese local feudal warlords, Naoe Kanetsugu and Kuroda Kanbē.
南谷 覺正
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
no.5, pp.103-126, 1998-03-20

When Tanizaki Jun'ichiro wrote Shunkin Sho (1933), he used "Barbara of the House of Grebe," the second story of Thomas Hardy's A Group of Noble Dames (1891), as a source of inspiration. This essay is an analysis of Hardy's story and an attempt to ascertain what elements Tanizaki incorporated, into his novelette, while appreciating what he modified to suit his artistic intentions. In the process, a number of controversial issues concerning Shunkin Sho are discussed in detail.
日下 和人 KUSAKA Kazuhito クサカ カズヒト
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.25, pp.39-58, 2018-03-01

Does a declaration of intent to take legal action fall into the category of criminal intimidation? The above - mentioned precedent in 1914 claims, though it does in its obiter dictum, that the indication can fulfil the requirements for criminal intimidation. This judgment that can be traced back more than a century is still considered the leading case. Therefore, it has been argued in quite a few cases that this ruling presents the position and views of the judiciary that an indication or gesture of intent to accuse may meet the requirements for criminal intimidation when it forms an abuse of rights. This ruling's view, however, can be looked upon as defining the act of abusing one's rights in the narrowest way. Conversely, it can be pointed out that there is not much likelihood of the requirements for criminal intimidation being fulfilled according to this legal precedent.
藤井 正希 フジイ マサキ FUJII Masaki
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.25, pp.129-146, 2018-03-01

The monument for Koreans is in Forest Park of Gunma. It is argued now whether we should remove it. There are many opinions to remove it to forget a past. However, I think that we should maintain it. This is because we cannot make the bright future, if it is not based on a past enough. In this article, I think about this problem from the viewpoint of constitution.
荒木 詳二
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.13, pp.231-248, 2006

In dieser Abhandlung wird versucht, darauf zu antworten, wie und wann die romantische Liebe in Europa entstanden ist und sich verbreitet hat, wie sie die damaligen Dichter in den Romanen geschildert haben, und wie und wann diese europaische Liebe in Japan eingefuhrt und aufgenommen wurde. Wahrend die romantische Liebe in Europa in der zweiten Halfte des 18. Jahrhundertes unter dem Einfluss der Empfindsamkeit entstanden ist, wurde sie in Japan Ende des 19. Jahrhundertes durch den amerikanischen Protestantismus eingefuhrt und kam besonders bei den jungen Christen in Mode, aber sie wurde damals oft mit der platonischen Liebe gleichgesetzt. Trotz verschiedener Unterschiede kann man als einige gemeinsame Punkte folgendes nennen, dass die romantische Liebe zur Grundung der modernen Familie beigtragen hat, durch die Lekture der Romane oder der Zeitschriften bekannt gemacht wurde und nach und nach fur unentbehrlich bei der Ehebeschlieβung und auch in der Familie gehalten wurde. Weiterhin ist zu erwahnen, dass die moderne Familie entsprechend der Entwickelung des Kapitalisumus und dem Aufstieges des Burgertums zustande kam, aber eigentlich ein patriarchalisches System ist und deshalb die geschlechtliche Diskriminisierung verursacht hat.
西村 淑子 Nishimura Toshiko
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
no.23, pp.55-67, 2016-03-01

This article focuses on government liability issues arising from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster, various lawsuits have been filed; these lawsuits have varying motivations. One of them is to pursue the government's liability for promoting its nuclear power policy. Japan's Compensation Act allows liability to be assigned to nuclear operators. However, the Japanese Government can also be held liable for nuclear damage if it fails to exercise its regulatory power over the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). This article argues for nuclear damage compensation by considering issues from the Gunma litigation.
伊藤 賢一
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.16, pp.27-37, 2009

山内 春光 Yamauchi Harumitsu
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.18, pp.1-17, 2011-03-31

In this essay, which is the follow-up issue of my previous paper, further consideration is givento the MIYAZAKI case (1988-89),in which four little girls(from 4 to 7 year-old)were murderedsuccessively by MIYAZAKL That case was argued in my previous essay two years ago.However it discussed only how and why the first victim was murdered. This essayalso discusseshow and why the rest three victims had to be killed, and explains that the core of this case liesin the confession made by Yuko IMADA who was imaginarily made up by MIYAZAKI.
河島 基弘 Kawashima Motohiro
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.18, pp.35-48, 2011-03-31

In this article I examine the method and content of the Academy-Award-winning Americandocumentary film"The Cove", the theme of which is to expose to the public the inhumanity ofdolphin hunting conducted in Taiji, Japan from the viewpoint of an anti-dolphin-hunting cam-paigner. After describing the synopsis of the film, I call in question the film's shooting method.The questions to ask are:how much of a reconstruction of the scene is peumissible in thedocumentary film?; is it acceptable to take the sneak shots of the subjects without theirpermission? Then I move on to the analysis of the content of the film. The questions to askhere are:is it a manifestation of cultural imperialism when someone insists that dolphins arespecial creatures and then obliges other culture to take the same position?; is 辻true that''TheCove'"is anti-Japan? In this article I work on to answer these questions.
南谷 覺正 Minamitani Akimasa
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.23, pp.87-106, 2016-03-01

The purpose of this essay is to propose a renewed concept of civilization more suited to the twenty-first century that followed the one remembered for plunder, exploitation, and the destruction and sins of war. By way of illustration, Samuel P. Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations is reviewed and analyzed in the light of the proposed concept of civilization. The much criticized book, for all its insight, is characterized by its insidious attachment to the residua of the "modern." The human society now desperately needs clues for finding the way out of the predicaments the old "civilizations" have placed it in. A new wineskin in time must be of critical help for the advancement of humankind.
南谷 覺正
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
no.6, pp.1-15, 1999-03-20

This essay is an attempt to analyze and explicate The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway from the viewpoint that the text represents the author's insight into man, particularly man when he is fighting. It discusses the ingenuity of the novelette's structure, the correspondences between the old man and the fish, the shifts in the old man's psychology, and nature's revenge against man's trespasses.
落合 延孝
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.10, pp.245-276, 2003

This paper shows the historical Documents of ""Busyu-ikki"", Kyowa-Irai-Shinbunki written by Shinzou Morimura.
南谷 覺正 Minamitani Akimasa
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
no.19, pp.55-74, 2012-03-31

This essay presents a compact perspective for better understanding the postwar history ofJapan in terms of sex and media. History as a discipline has become increasingly broken downinto separate fields of study and the interaction of sex and media―usually dismissed as a subjectunworthy of mention―is isolated from political and economic history. By integrating sex andmedia into the so-called correct and authoritative, and therefore often quite defective, discourseon history, we can approach a more holistic view of our past, and thereby consider moreappropriately the relationship of the two.
南谷 覺正
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.13, pp.209-229, 2006

This essay presents a detailed examination of Shishi Bunroku's School of Freedom. While analyzing the respective "pursuits of freedom" of protagonists losuke and Komako, it studies the influence of the World War II defeat and the occupation of the country on gender in Japan.
富山 慶典
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
no.4, pp.55-67, 1997-07-28

Some relationship among the individual choice competence, the number of individuals in the group, its decision rule and the collective choice competence was initially investigated in Condorcet's Jury Theorem. Although several researchers have devloped the theorem in different directions, they in common assume implicitly one collective choice area and introduce only the individual choice competence for the area. In reality, however, there may exist multiple collective choice areas such as 'management strategy and personnel changes planning' and the individual choice competencies may be different for the corresponding area such that 'he/she is good at management strategy but not personnel changes planning'. Under the multiplicity of choice areas and the difference in competencies, how should the group assign what members in it to what collective choice area? Tomiyama (1991) extends the basic model under Jury Theorem to the model of two collective choice areas and formulates in general the group two-decomposition problem. It also gives a solution to this problem under the complete homogeneity assumption that all of the members in the group have the same competence of individual choice for all of the collective choice areas. This paper analyses the problem under the heterogeneity assumption. It is proved that individual rationality and social rationallty may not be compatible. The high-competence decomposition is used to represent individual rationality, and the maximum-sum decomposition and the minimum-difference decomposition are used to represent social rationality. Finally, some unsolved problems are showed.
南谷 覺正
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.15, pp.259-278, 2008

As an inquiry regarding the translation of comedy in literary works, this essay takes Jaques'famous lines beginning "All the world is a stage" in Shakespeare's As You Like It as a case studyfor close semantic investigation and consideration of Japanese translations to date.
河島 基弘
群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集 (ISSN:13468812)
vol.17, pp.1-17, 2010

Nowadays, many people call themselves animal lovers. Stories of the maltreatment of animals are reported sensationally by the press to attract wide public attention. But all animalsare not paid the same attention: the killing of some animals draws more sympathy than others; the experimentation of some animals arouses more indignation than others. Whales are among those 'chosen' animals that are given special consideration, especially in the West. What makes whales so special in human eyes? Why whales, not other animals? In this article, I address these questions by critically examining the alleged uniqueness of whales proposed by a whale protec-tionist.