澤田 光
奈良女子大学社会学論集 (ISSN:13404032)
vol.23, pp.95-107,

The countriesthat adopt the familialisticwelfare regimes, such as Japan And Italy, charging welfare duties to families at the maximum level, have tendencies to have a large decrease in the number of the birthsrate. On the other hand, in the countries under the welfare regimes of the social democracy,"the de-familialization "is encouraged. Thus, in those countries, especially Sweden, the governments don't depend oneach family about the welfare policy and still keep the good numbers of their birth rate.Emphasizing these tendencies, Esping-Andersen pointed outthat" the social programs" strongly connected to the familialism are now enemiesto forming families. However,in Japan, the strategies has been adopted since 1994 to alleviate the declination of low birth rates. I analysed if this is the same old familialism-influenced strategy or" de-familialized "one , and also tried to prove what kind of change has been brought about the familialism strategy,coping with the low birth rate issue.And I concluded as follows. The Japanese government tried to change the policy into more de-famiriarized way.But it was not effective enough to convert from the familialism completely. Thus it resulted in both elements, famirialism and de-familialization,kept in their strategy. Under this inconsistent circumstance, the japanese low birth rate strategy hasnt gone well as if they were stepping on both an accelerator and a brakeat the same time.


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