Onishi Takehito
生駒経済論叢 = Ikoma Journal of Economics (ISSN:13488686)
vol.2, no.2, pp.1-17, 2005-03-01

[Abstract] Harp of Burma was one of the most popular and influential works in the post-war period in Japan. It was written in 1947-48 and awarded a prize by the minister of education in 1949. By examining this story and its critics, some issues defining the post-war Japanese attitude toward Southeast Asia are revealed. Should Japan's position be "Co-Asia" or "Ex-Asia"? Was Southeast Asia perceived as relevant to Japan's future course? Then, as subsequent evidence of these attitude during Japan's reconstruction period, the theory of Umezao Tadao is examined. While he categorically denied similarity between Asian countries and Japan, he slso set aside the role of European pressure in the process of Japan's modernization. Lastly, some contemporary views are cited to reopen the question of what light Harp of Burma might shed on present-day Japanese interests in Asia. [概要] 第二次大戦後から現在に至る日本のアジア認識の変遷を検証するのが本論文の目的である。 特に東南アジアを素材とする代表的な議論を扱うことによって, その特徴を検出したい。 戦争直後の代表的なものとして竹山道雄の著作『ビルマの竪琴』及び彼に対する批判を検討する。 続いて梅棹忠夫の『文明の生態史観』を論じる。 最後に今後の日本とアジアの関係を論じる際に最重要となると思われる幾つかのポイントを指摘する。


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