蔵橋 純海夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.45, pp.p213-256, 1992-12

備後国太田荘は、永万二年(一一六六)平清盛の子重衡によって後白河法皇に寄進され院領荘園となった。その後平氏滅亡により、同荘は文治二年(一一八六)後白河法皇から高野山根本大塔領へ寄進され、以後室町時代に至るまで高野山領荘園の一として続いた。高野山施入当時の荘田面積は、約六一三町歩年貢米一八三八石余を出す大きな荘園であった。さて、紀州高野山には、備後太田荘に係わる当時の文献資料が多数伝えられており、一九〇〇年代の初め頃から今日にかけて、荘園経営や文化財等に係わる論考が諸賢によって多数発表されてきている。しかしながら、太田荘の政所寺院としての性格をもつ今高野山についての研究は、一部の文化財や天然記念物等に係わってあるのみで皆無に等しい。そこで本稿は、広島県史跡「今高野山」の興亡の歴史と住侶及び文化財等についての概観をまとめたものであるが、今高野山に関する在地の中世資料は度重なる災禍によって消滅し、勢いその解明は高野山文書や寺外に伝わる文書及び寺内に伝わる文化財等に僅かに記された刻銘や墨書、後代に書き記された寺の縁起などによってしか手がかりがつかめないため深く追求しえていない。本報告は初めに今高野山の誕生と興亡の歴史を辿り、ついで住侶についての考察、文化財の概観について述べ、終わりに今高野山の歴史年表、歴代住職一覧表、その他今高野山に伝わる古記録等を資料として収録したものである。In the 2nd year of Eiman (1166), Ota-no-Shô in Bingo Province (present Hiroshima Prefecture) was donated to Ex-Emperor Goshirakawa-In by Taira-no-shigehira, the son of Kiyomori. Later, in the 2nd year of Bunji (1186), the manor was donated by Goshirakawa-in to the Konpon-Daitôryô of Kôyasan, and remained a manor of Kôyasan until the Muromachi Period. The area of the manor's rice fields, at the time it was donated to Kôyasan, was about 613 chôbu(=approx. 1,500 acres), and the manor produced more than 1,838 koku (1 koku = about 180 liters) of rice as land rent.A large number of contemporary historical documents concerning Ota-no-shô in Bingo Province have been handed down at the Kôyasan Temple in Kishû (present Wakayama Prefecture). Since the beginning of the 1900s, many theses have been published on the management of the manor and on its cultural properties. However, few studies, except a few on its cultural properties and precious natural monuments, have been made into the Ima-Kôyasan, which was in character the administrative temple of Ota-no-shô. The author, in this paper, looks at the history of the rise and fall of the Ima-Kôyasan, which is designated as a place of historic interest by Hiroshima Prefecture, and gives a brief description of the priests who lived there, and of its cultural properties.Local document of the Middle Ages relating to the Ima-Kôyasan were destroyed in successive disasters. This being the case, elucidation had to depend on only the Kôyasan documents, other documents handed down outside of the temple, a small number of carved inscriptions or records in Chinese ink on cultural properties, and Engi (history) of the temple written later on. This scarceness of materials made a thorough investigation difficult.In this report, the author first retraced the history of the foundation, prosperity and decline of the Ima-Kôyasan, then discussed the priests living in the temple, and gave a brief description of its cultural properties. At the end of the paper are included as data a chronological table of the history of the Ima-Kôyasan, a list of successive chief priests, and other ancient records handed down at the Ima-Kôyasan.


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